Recent content by RilianSharp

  1. R

    some Ddeaf/Hhoh with grammar english problems

    I don't want to know my answer. I want to know why it is hard for the person who started the thread. I want her to describe how it is for her....
  2. R

    Cued Speech: your opinion?

    I didn't say it was/did. My little brother likes to leave the consonants out of his words. It's not gibberish when he says it, but he could use cued speech to indicate his rendition of words, too. And one can also indicate, with cued speech, the difference between different pronunciations...
  3. R

    Are Deaf People (from birth) Disabled?

    How do you know that a small group of people who sign with each other would necessarily have contact with someone from the deaf community. And, I'm asking you to elaborate on what is the facets of the deaf community. That's why I signed up on this board.
  4. R

    some Ddeaf/Hhoh with grammar english problems

    Why are you reading stuff into my question that is not there? I don't see the part where I said, "Why is this so hard for you, dumby? It is easy-peasy for me-e!" I asked why it is hard. Care to shed light on my question or be you only rude? I don't see any grammatical errors that I made...
  5. R

    Are Deaf People (from birth) Disabled?

    They would? How do you know? Please elaborate or direct me to a resource that would explain further.
  6. R

    Are Deaf People (from birth) Disabled?

    Please, jillio. I meant that a deaf person or relative of a deaf person is not *automatically* in the deaf community. They must choose to be so. I'm sorry, I thought mainstreaming meant keeping one away from the deaf community and from signing for fear of limiting "potential" for the child...
  7. R

    Quantum Leap pilot show

    Learn to read Spanish. Solve problem. Or read French. But French is harder.
  8. R

    Are Deaf People (from birth) Disabled?

    Someone said that the mother of a deaf person would be in the deaf community. Not so. With this post, you imply that if a deaf person is not part of the deaf community then they are part of no community and have no connections. That is also not true. Also, I had thought that, to the...
  9. R

    Cued Speech: your opinion?

    I could use the cueing for random sounds that aren't words. That's the difference. If it were a manually coded language, as opposed to sounds, one could not use it to convey gibberish.
  10. R

    Are Deaf People (from birth) Disabled?

    Not everyone who is deaf or associated with a deaf person is part of the "deaf community".
  11. R

    ASL in public schools??

    You realize I mean that everyone should learn a sign language, right? Also, it would not be a sudden change. It would allow for change, though, given that people do wish to keep their families together.
  12. R

    Cued Speech: your opinion?

    Cued speech is manually coded sound, not english.
  13. R

    Hearing Impaired Term?

    I say I have hearing problems. In ASL class, teacher called the person with hearing aid HH and called us all others Hearing, but I tell her I'm HH. Then she played a video in class and I could not hear the words on the video and it did not have caption!