Recent content by Porete

  1. P

    What Ticks You Off (Most) About Hearies?

    When my hearing audiologist of 13 years talks to me while he has my HAs in his hands during my annual appointments.. My lip/speech reading skills are very limited without my HAs, so I had no clue what he was saying. My teacher called me stupid when I didn't hear part of her instruction...
  2. P

    The Talking Deafie

    Yes, I'm oral deaf with severe to profound loss. I can't really tell if I have a deaf accent, but friends tell me there's no real difference between my voice and everyone else's. I've never had any speech therapy so I think it's down to hearing aids + mainstream education.
  3. P

    Personal Space and those who invade it

    Yes, it can be slightly irritating. I always ask people who do that to back away a bit and give me some 'breathing space.' It's not just so because I can lip/speech read them better, but also because I don't really like to be 'crowded,' so to speak. I insist on people having a conversation with...
  4. P

    Anybody deaf who can speak multiple languages?

    Hopefully the people in America won't be hit too hard. I've heard a lot of people are unhappy about Obama, could you tell me why? I think Great Britain isn't so great anymore since its empire fell. Things should be better there soon.. I hope. I plan to move to America in the future.
  5. P

    Anybody deaf who can speak multiple languages?

    The economy isn't too bad.. yet. The cuts are going hit everyone hard in the country (except the rich, as always). University tuition fees are going to double at least, and triple in some universities. A student studying for three years in university will be on average saddled with about...
  6. P

    Anybody deaf who can speak multiple languages?

    Latin is more common in Europe but sadly it's kind of dying. Latin was once as a subject you could study once but it's been taken over by French/German/Spanish. So as a result, not a lot of people learn it. :lol: Yes, I could do with an adventure like that! Dan Brown is a good author.
  7. P

    Anybody deaf who can speak multiple languages?

    Thanks for sharing. Latin looks really interesting. Arabic does seem to be very complicated-looking, I agree with you.
  8. P

    Is being deaf a disability or not?

    Personally I don't see it as a disability because it's never really stopped me from doing anything. I guess in the eyes of the law, I am "disabled."
  9. P

    Last Movie You Watched?

    Shawshank Redemption. Quite possibly the best movie I've ever seen in my life.
  10. P

    Captions in cinemas

    In here (UK), there are scheduled subtitled films but as overthepond said, it's usually at inconvenient times. Smaller cinemas tend not to have captioned films, but larger ones more often than not do. The last film I watched in the cinema had bad quality subtitles (it was a bit fuzzy and had...
  11. P

    Are you the only or the first deaf person in ur entire family?

    I'm the first and only deaf one in my family. I'm not sure if it's due to genetics but I'll probably do some tests when I'm older to find out.
  12. P

    Anybody deaf who can speak multiple languages?

    Yeah, Hong Kong was a British colony a long, long time ago. Though I'm not so sure that's why my parents moved here. I have a bilateral severe to profound hearing loss. Wear hearing aids though. I want to learn ASL & BSL so I can join the Deaf communities in both countries (probably easier...
  13. P

    Anybody deaf who can speak multiple languages?

    I am in kind of similar situation to you. My family is Chinese (in our immediate family they speak Cantonese, but to other people like uncles, aunts, etc my parents speak Mandarin to them). They moved from Hong Kong to England about 25 - 30 years ago, way before I was born. I was born deaf...
  14. P

    Show your support for "I Do" Gay Marriage.

    I support gay marriage. The tradition of marriage being between a man and woman is outdated although I can understand why it is 'important'.. We live in a modern world now though, so let's just embrace and accept them for who they are.
  15. P

    Greetings from England!

    Lots of Southerners here, then! I actually want to move out of my village when I'm older.. it's too quiet here.