Recent content by PinkT313

  1. PinkT313


    If anyone could please help me gloss this story; that would be really nice. I've already glossed it, but don't feel like typing it...but i really just want to make sure... kthxbye There was an old sow with three little pigs, and as she had not enough to keep them, she sent them out to seek...
  2. PinkT313

    Interpreting for the Deaf/HoH articles

    Any kind of aritcles that have to do with interpreting is fine.
  3. PinkT313


    I'm new here. I'm in an ASL 1 class. For a class project we have to interview a deaf or HoH individual. If anyone would like to help me, I would be much appreciative. Thanks :)
  4. PinkT313

    Interpreting for the Deaf/HoH articles

    Hi, I'm new here. I'm in an ASL 1 class. Does anyone know where I can find some Interpretation articles? Thanks for all your help. :)