Recent content by PaulCilwa

  1. P

    Question: What Percentage of Gay Bisexuals?

    Wow...not a single reply? Does noone have an opinion on this, or have I inadvertantly asked an inappropriate question? If that's the case, I apologize and I hope someone will tell me so I can withdraw the post.
  2. P

    LGT Movie u saw....

    Let me recommend "Make The Yuletide Gay", it's generally funny but the payoff--and I won't spoil it!--scene will make you bust a gut laughing. Also, anything with Matthew Montgomery.
  3. P

    Question: What Percentage of Gay Bisexuals?

    Hey folks, I'm fairly new to this forum, I'm a hearie and a writer and I am trying to increase my understanding of Deaf culture so I can realistically and fairly include a Deaf character in my next novel. I also happen to be a gay man. So, I do have some Deaf friends and also know a couple...
  4. P

    Capitalization Question

    CJB, thanks for the list. Lighthouse, I went and changed it to "ASL", thus avoiding the issue.
  5. P

    Capitalization Question

    Ahh...I didn't know there were alternatives to ASL. (Other than fingerspelling, to some extent.)
  6. P

    Is speaking and listening hard work for hearing people?

    Hearing for me is exactly as effortless as seeing. The only difference is I can't close my ears to avoid hearing something I don't want to hear! In a noisy environment, when many sounds are competing for my attention, I may have to move in close and even watch the person's lips as they speak...
  7. P

    brand spankin new

    Hi Ben. I'm new here too. I'm a "hearie" but I hope to become an active member, as I find Deaf people tend to listen more, on average. And in any case, online we're all the same.
  8. P

    Capitalization Question

    I looked through this forum but didn't find an answer... Should the word "sign" be capitalized when used as shorthand to designate ASL? For example, He returned to the defense table as the judge gave final instructions to the jury. Even though this was protocol, Barry translated the words...
  9. P

    Hey Folks from a Hearing Writer

    Thanks for the link! That actually explained it perfectly.
  10. P

    Hey Folks from a Hearing Writer

    Two novels are published: Midnight Harvest and The Sun City Cannabis Club. Both can be purchased through My third novel, In The Abode of Angels is not published but can be read for free online starting at In The Abode Of Angels. My four tech books are also listed at Amazon, but...
  11. P

    Hey Folks from a Hearing Writer

    First, thanks to you all for allowing me into this community. I am a hearing person with just a few deaf and HOH friends, with a love of languages and a fascination with ASL that exceeds my proficiency in it. What motivated me to join was looking for the answer to a question when none of my...