Recent content by passionksr

  1. P

    new baby in family

    My niece just had a baby, Baby Jack she calls him, it is my "Great nephew" cool.. makes another great nephew in the family.. let me see.. there are ::: soon i will have another great great one coming into the family. 3 brothers 4 sisters 12 nephews 11 nieces 15 great nephews 9...
  2. P

    boys have sex with 2 teachers!!!!!!!!!!!

    You know when I was 13, back in those days, I was not thinking nothing of sex, I didnot even know what somethings was, it was not even introduced to me then. I just think today the society, how it is, the kids is introduced to things so early, sex and stuff. the kids now days knows way to much...
  3. P

    Change One Letter game

  4. P


    somehow I need to get the youngest into training, she is a brat, bad she is, stubborn as a bull, and my does she tear up paper into lil bitty pieces of paper and spit them out on the floor.. laughs... she is just into everything, jezzie and tatum are about the same age though, bella is so well...
  5. P

    A Question For Those Employed: How Hard is Your Job, Really?

    I am hearing, I worked for 25 years then I quit my job of a bookkeeper/assistant fiscal officer. I worked in an accouting department for that long. I did payroll, coded the payroll, did deposits, receipts, wrote checks for the whole agency. Did reports. There was alot to do for the non-profit...
  6. P


    jezzie has the white strip down the head, then tatum is in the middle and the other is bella, she is the oldest
  7. P

    hello :wave:

    Hello my name is teresa, i am married to a deaf person, together we have a daughter, we raised two boys as well, they are my nephews. Their mother and father both was deaf. Their mother died when the boys was 6 and 8. now they are 23 and 25, doing good in life, the youngest boy has a son...