Recent content by owlthebob

  1. owlthebob

    3D Sign Languages

    That is some kind of terrifying. I think her fingers are little too long, which is creepy in tis own right, otherwise the movement was more fluid that most
  2. owlthebob

    Best instant video messaging app?

    By everyone do you mean everyone in your whole phone's contact list or just people you've added in Glide? I'd be afraid of signing up to use it if it sends out spam to everyone I know. I guess snapchat would work too .. if you can really get the point across fast
  3. owlthebob

    Students Looking for ASL buddies

    Argh. my skype alldeaf contacts I tried to move in a group (to separate work and home use) and I managed to wipe them out. So if I talked to you before I promise I didn't block you I just lost you from my contact list. Anyways, if anyone else is interested in adding me: bobtheowl2 . ASL3...
  4. owlthebob

    Students Looking for ASL buddies

    Finishing ASL1 now. Feel free to add me to Skype: bobtheowl2