Recent content by Noxyoursox

  1. Noxyoursox

    How many deafies here know languages besides English and ASL?

    I studied Mandarin Chinese while I was in the Army and eventually became fluent, also took 4 years of high school Spanish and did pretty well, but nowhere near fluent because high school Spanish is really, really basic Spanish.
  2. Noxyoursox


    *nods* I will keep that in mind. We discussed sign languages some in one of my early linguistics classes, and how they are real languages (as opposed to gestures or other paralanguage that goes along with or substitutes for spoken language). Also the difference between ASL and Signed English...
  3. Noxyoursox


    It would be pretty difficult to study spoken languages if I can't hear well enough to distinguish the different sounds (which can be very difficult even for people with perfect hearing). I could focus on the various sign languages in different countries, but that wouldn't be as useful without a...
  4. Noxyoursox


    Cool! One of my friends at school is also. ^^
  5. Noxyoursox

    "Personal Signs"--Is this something others do?

    I am still just starting to learn ASL, and my sister is being my "learning buddy" and studying with me. One thing we discovered early on, is that we already have some "signs" that we use in our everyday communication--even before I started having problems hearing, we were already doing that. For...
  6. Noxyoursox


    I have studied a number of different religions, but am agnostic (I feel like it's not possible to know whether any deity exists). I do believe in ghosts and spirits/kami/vættir, and practice healing and protective magic.
  7. Noxyoursox


    Thank you! Asexual means a person who does not experience sexual attraction, and aromantic means a person who does not experience romantic attraction. I can (and do) have strong platonic relationships with family and close friends, but I have no desire for sexual or romantic relationships. I do...
  8. Noxyoursox


    Hi all, new person here! And also new to all of this in general, still getting used to things. About me...I'm 23 years old, androgynous (they, them, their pronouns), asexual and aromantic. I have SSHL (Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss), which in my case means I go through periods of hearing...