Recent content by Nikii

  1. N

    Can someone who is severely deaf talk normally?

    Ya it would be fun learning it, But who will I sign too? lol. And I think CI would work for anybody who is willing to put it on everyday. I had this girl who went to my school before and she had CI but couldn't hear or talk well. Because she rarely puts it on. and I asked if I could wear it...
  2. N


  3. N


    [qoute] test [qoute]
  4. N

    A letter...

    Whoa was it that bad fer him? I'm perfectly happy with my CI and I don't feel lonely. Btw got CI when I was 3 and now I'm 13.
  5. N

    Prank conversation...

  6. N

    do you have any favorite book(s)

    "Where the Red Fern Grows" My english teacher cried when we got to the front of the whole class lol!
  7. N

    Can someone who is severely deaf talk normally?

    I was born profoundly deaf (can't hear nothing in both ears) Then got a CI on my right ear when I was 3 years old, started talking when I was 4 years old. Then when I was about 6 years old I was talking really good. Right now I'm 13 :P When I first meet people, they don't even know I'm deaf...
  8. N


    Does anyone knows about how many born-deaf kids can talk and hear(with a device like clochear implant)?
  9. N

    I have a question

    Wrong board! How do I move it to another board?
  10. N

    I have a question

    Does anyone knows about how many born-deaf kids can talk and hear(with a device like clochear implant)?