Recent content by Nerf

  1. Nerf

    Netflix add your own subtitles

    I'm with you guys on badgering Netflix politely to change their ways, although their email is moot point. They changed their services to phone calls only, and I wonder why? I know that in 2010-ish a group of deaf people got cranky and demanded equal access and more subtitles, they caved but now...
  2. Nerf


    Well this is really cute, I do believe it's borderline going against the ADA rules. I've recently been watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer, one episode was missing subtitles, this is alright. It's not that bad, then I move onto Angel which has cross-overs and interacts with Buffy the Vampire...
  3. Nerf

    Left, now back again.

    A long time ago I used to be Dark-Half or something of the likes. Some may remember me, some may not. I decided to return because some interesting things have happened, for one Netflix now has almost all their titles subtitled or captioned -- which, I have to say is awesome! Now a brief back...