Recent content by Menierian

  1. M

    Having dizziness, balance problems & ear pressure

    Could be Menieres or migraine associated vertigo (MAV). There is loads of info on both at Meniere's .org I would highly recommend going there and checking out the Living Room. Bob
  2. M

    Balance Issues

    Not so sure about the vertigo. Vertigo for me is either subjective or objective i.e I feel like I am spinning or I perceive that the room or environment is spinning. I get both being bilateral Menierian. It sounds more like disequilibrium that is caused by some kind of malfunction in the...
  3. M

    Anyone use Phonak Audeo or Widex?

    I also have the most hearing loss in the high frequencies. I used to have Phonak HA's, but switched to Widex Inteo about 3 years ago. The Inteo has been a very good HA for me, but I'm sure the technology has advanced since I got it. I have a doc in Phoenix that has prescribed Namenda (an...
  4. M

    New here - ?'s about CI's

    Just started researching CI's and apologize in advance for asking questions that have probably already been asked (and answered) many times here. My left ear is profoundly deaf as a result of SSHL 3 years ago. It also has Meniere's disease that has destroyed the balance function as well...