Recent content by Melisande

  1. M

    Hearing Aid For Severe High And Mid-frequency Hearing Loss?

    Thanks for all your comments and suggestions. I made the plunge this past Monday and now in a 1-month trial of a pair of Phonak Audeo V90's. I saw the audiologist associated with my specialist ENT. She was extremely professional and spent almost an hour just discussing various options with me...
  2. M

    Hearing Aid For Severe High And Mid-frequency Hearing Loss?

    tl;dnr Will it really be worth it (in terms of hassle and discomfort) to get a hearing aid to help with severe to profound hearing loss above 750 Hz (in one ear only; hearing below 750Hz in bad ear is normal). Also, what kind of hearing aid would help me only with the mid and high frequencies...
  3. M

    Going deaf in Florida

    Hi everyone! @sonocativo, how is your experience with the implants so far? @Otherwise, thanks for sharing! I love your tag line: "I once was me. Now I am Otherwise." That about sums it up for me so far. I feel like I'm dying and being reincarnated as someone completely different. It's not like...
  4. M

    Going deaf in Florida

    Hi! I'm a 51 y.o. female living in Florida. Before mid-October, I had better than average hearing for my age. Then, I suffered a sudden sensorineural hearing loss in my left ear. My ENT gave me corticosteroids which worked only temporarily. In mid-November, I noticed that the hearing loss in...