Recent content by maurabwade

  1. M

    Mom worried about her son's hearing

    Well you are both sort of right. The ABR technician told us she was pretty sure the baby was fine and that, if he had any hearing loss it was mild and only in one ear. She said she'd review the results more carefully and send them to our pediatrician. I never did follow up with the...
  2. M

    Mom worried about her son's hearing

    Thanks for the story. We are going to take him back to the ENT.
  3. M

    When is the critical period for language?

    My baby is almost 14 months old and I suspect he many have hearing loss. We are going to get him tested. But I wanted to know, when is the critical period for language development? For example, if a child weren't exposed to language until they were, say, two years old, would they have...
  4. M

    How can I expose my baby to sign language if I don't speak it? (in Philadelphia)

    Hi. I have a baby that failed the otoacoustic test many times when he was born, but he passed his ABR and he clearly reacted to certain sounds such as clapping, so we didn't worry about him. Now he is almost 14 months old and he doesn't really say any words. More importantly, he doesn't...
  5. M

    Mom worried about her son's hearing

    Hi! I have a 13-month-old baby. When he was born, he kept failing hearing tests. Finally, they sent him for an ABR. The technician said she was pretty sure his hearing was fine after the ABR, but she would review the data more carefully and send it to my doctor. He clearly reacted to certain...
  6. M

    Would you kindly sympathy and support to help me?

    A lot of people (myself included) feel uncomfortable giving money to random strangers on the internet. You should apply to an organization that provides help with medical expenses such as the Medical Aid Project for Vietnam: Medical Aid For VietNam
  7. M

    Mom of 3month old with hearing loss

    Please keep us posted. My 2-month-old son is in the same boat, so I'd love to know what happens with your son.
  8. M

    Help with an infant that keeps failing his hearing test

    My son has failed the otoacoustic emission test four times - twice when he was first born, once at 5 weeks old and once at 7 weeks old. The doctor has confirmed that there is no fluid in his ears. However, I know that he can hear, because he startles when there is a loud noise. He has now...
  9. M

    Help with an infant that keeps failing his hearing test

    My baby failed his hearing test at the hospital. He failed the test again at 5 weeks and again at 7 weeks. The doctor has confirmed that there is no fluid in his ears. We are sure that he is not completely deaf, because he startles when he hears a loud noise, but it is possible that he has...