Recent content by marky802

  1. M

    Being Gay...most agravating

    Silly str8t folks I live in a nice sized city. I can't stand the fact when dumb str8t people who just found out that I'm gay, automatically assume I Know every damn gay person in this damn city. You know the question, "OMG I used to work with this person who was gay his/ her name was so and...
  2. M

    How Gay Are You?

    hmmmm Got 33% I guess its time to get all gussied up and have a little fun!!:whip: :ty: :giggle:
  3. M

    gay like me?

    I'm a size queen!! Ok Not really my size thing is the height I can never ever meet a guy who is close to my height I am 6'4" tall and the tallest guy I ever dated was 5'5" I always feel like I gotta supply them with a step stool or something.:giggle: :laugh2: