Recent content by Laungel

  1. L

    CapTel in the office?

    Hello all, I just started a new job and while I am HoH, none of my clients or their parents are familiar with deaf technology. I know I need to get a new phone for work use and was hoping someone could help me. I've never actually used a CapTel phone but I think this might be a good option...
  2. L

    Carrying CI Paraphernelia

    Paraphernalia (I spelled it incorrectly in the thread title) is defined as: equipment, apparatus, or furnishing used in or necessary for a particular activity. I use it and hear it all the time in a variety of settings and you are the first to assume it only refers to drugs! Maybe we just run...
  3. L

    Carrying CI Paraphernelia

    How do you handle carrying all the "stuff" that you need when you walk out the door? Between my keys, my cellphone, my CI remote, & extra batteries I've run out of pockets! I'm wondering if anyone has come up with some ingenious solutions to this. MedEl gave me a keychain that holds 3...
  4. L

    Useful Apps?

    My apps I'm pretty new to the android and in addition to some of the ones already mentioned, I also use Gleeo Time Tracker. This one is for personal use more than the client tracking of other apps. CamCard lets you take a picture of a business card and automatically puts it into your contact...
  5. L

    Best way to get voicemails?

    Do any of these phones work with a neck-loop system or anything like that to make hearing them any easier for us HoH types, or are the advantages mostly that they can pick up voice-to-text technology through Clear Captions or Google voice or similar services? I used Tec-Ear earphones...
  6. L

    Best way to get voicemails?

    I just signed up for phonetag but I'm a bit confused. I was given two different numbers to call. One just beeps at me and the other I have no clue what is being said but obviously is waiting for some kind of input. I still dont know for sure how phonetag works. Do I need to give people a...
  7. L

    Best way to get voicemails?

    I've looked through these boards and I'm a bit overwhelmed by some of the options people have presented for how they get their voicemails. Some of the comments don't have quite enough information for me to know exactly how the program they are talking about works. I need a way to get my...
  8. L

    DVR Captions changed color???

    I'm hoping some techie out there will know how to help me! My cable channels go through a DVR box. All of a sudden, the captions changed to black box with a purple background and black writing. It is nearly impossible to see during the day or with very light/bright backgrounds on the screen...
  9. L

    Predjudism Between Deaf and Hearing People

    I encourage you to make the effort. The Deaf I have met have all understood that I was learning a second language and they have been more than willing to work with me. Back when I knew only the alphabet and a few signs, I met a couple in a waiting room who were more than willing to take the...
  10. L

    What type of School???

    That is a good point. If mainstreaming is route your family decides to go with, it is imperative that the parents make sure their child is fully mainstreamed with same-level peers. Otherwise it is not true mainstreaming. Parents need to be advocates for the student and make sure they are...
  11. L

    Predjudism Between Deaf and Hearing People

    There is only two forms of prejudice still acceptable in America- weight and disability. Disability though is not seen as a cultural phenomenon except by professionals (as someone pointed out). Disability is seen through the lens of a medical mindset. This is the primary reason that Deaf...
  12. L

    rear window CC at movie theater

    Better than nothing The good: it lets you see the movie showing in that theater at any of the showing times which allows for more flexibility, it allows you to see it with hearing friends without any issues, you never lose sight of the captions on a background of the same color. However, the...
  13. L

    Being deaf in discriminating hearing world (long)

    It IS hard. Usually all we need is a chance and then we prove to be excellent workers. I know of one elementary school principle who was given a hard time when he wanted to hire a deaf teacher. Parents threw a fit, "how will she be able to communicate?" She signed, lip-read, and spoke very...
  14. L

    What type of School???

    Whats this project for? I'm severe to profoundly hard of hearing. It was diagnosed when I was 13 (how they missed it is beyond me). Being diagnosed so late, of course I was in a normal public school situation. I dont have children yet, but should my future children have a hearing loss...
  15. L

    Predjudism Between Deaf and Hearing People

    its a cultural thing everyone is speaking on this topic from their own subjective and biased view- so please let me share my perspective (and yes, bias). I'm HoH and grew up in the hearing world. My siblings were HoH too. I've experienced many of the same isolating and patronizing events as...