Recent content by kuntrykyd

  1. kuntrykyd

    My mom dies

    My heart goes out to you sorry.....
  2. kuntrykyd

    I'm a newbie!

    Icedtearulz, I LOVE your handsign avatar! Where do you find those? And do you know of anyplace online I can go to find handsigns that I can incorporate into my emails (sorta like emoticons?).......
  3. kuntrykyd

    Why did you learn sign language?

    babymdaddy I think that is a great reason that you learned to sign. I am always flattered by hearing people that want to learn to sign so they can better communicate with me. My own parents never did learn to sign since I learned to lipread so well in grade school, but my mother in law did...
  4. kuntrykyd

    Deanne Bray

    Venomous? I find that so hard to believe. What is GLAD? I prefer to think of the show not as cheesy but as Clean and Wholesome!! It always made me smile, in the midst of a world where just about all our tv viewing is filled with immoral values, it was just really refreshing and...
  5. kuntrykyd

    Deanne Bray

    I knew the series had been cancelled but was hoping when I saw last week that PAX was changing over to "I", that it had changed hands and the new people would find a way to get it back and it would be going into a fourth season. But probably no such luck. And its the best series ever! I...
  6. kuntrykyd

    Hi from Minnesota

    Hi greypoupon! Love your name!! At my house, its an almost daily joke if someone says, "excuse me"........then someone else will say, "do you have any gray poupon?' (from the commercial). Anyway, that happens to be my very favorite mustard! I have a friend that works in MN, at the...
  7. kuntrykyd

    Hello from Atlanta

    Hey, Welcome!! For a minute there I thought you were the Jonathan in GA that I have become acquainted with, but he has a CI. Guess that wouldnt be you. But welcome!! I am pretty new myself, having only been here about a week. This is a pretty fun and informative place. Enjoy!
  8. kuntrykyd

    I'm a newbie!

    Thanks ya'll!! I think I'm gonna like it here!!!! Pardon me if this comes on with a bunch of different emoticons, I am so computer illiterate!! It took me a week and then my teenage daughters help just to get my avatar on. Have a wonderful week everyone! I look forward to many happy...
  9. kuntrykyd

    What makes u feel comfortable?

    Well I like cuddling with my signal dog , shes the cuddliest German Shepherd I've ever seen, and also sitting on the front porch swing on a summer evening, or in the living room sitting next to my hubby of 23 years, just relaxing! A bowl of vanilla ice cream smothered in Hersheys choc. is...
  10. kuntrykyd

    Deanne Bray

    Hello, I am wondering if anyone has seen anything more about Deanne Bray ( the deaf star of Sue Thomas FBEye), the last I knew she was expecting her first baby,I think it was due August or Sept. I am also wondering if anyone knows if the show has been picked up by the new people who are...
  11. kuntrykyd

    late deafened or not?

    Ok I am new here, so bear with me if you would! I just realized this is not probably the right topic column for my posting! Beins this is a CI forum....sorry!!
  12. kuntrykyd

    late deafened or not?

    I have been referred to recently as a "late deafened adult"......I am in my (ouch!!) early forties now.... but have had a hearing loss of 60db at age 3, and it spiraled slowly down from there, to where, the past 10 years, it is in the profoundly/severe deaf range in the 90's and now into the...
  13. kuntrykyd

    Percent or dbl?

    Hi all, I am just wondering, I have noticed in the past few years, that alot of people measure their hearing losses in "percents". Do your audiologists tell you your loss in percents? I myself had always referred to it as a "percent" loss until I realized one day that it was actually in...
  14. kuntrykyd

    HI! introducing myself.

    Hello Deafboy, I am new too!! I think its gonna be fun here, dont you? How did you become deaf? Have you always been deaf? Do you lipead/sign/both? Do you mainstream in hearing schools?
  15. kuntrykyd

    God Issue

    You know, everytime a discussion thread gets going on christianity, the non christians ALWAYS holler, "judging!! Judging!!" And yet, the bible does command us to know right from wrong. The process of figuring out whats right/ judging right from wrong. It does not mean we are...