Recent content by Kikiers

  1. Kikiers

    How to make him understand?

    yeah in groups that happens a lot just something we have to deal with since were Deaf or HOH
  2. Kikiers

    How to make him understand?

    Well at first yeah he was kinda bad at remembering but i am his first gf that is not full hearing so i understand. hes much better now i just had to give it time for him to get used to it :) hes really a great guy
  3. Kikiers

    How to make him understand?

    Yeah im figuring tht out, thanks :)
  4. Kikiers

    I dont know how to talk to my Guardian about this, any help??

    do you know specific websites? THanks
  5. Kikiers

    I dont know how to talk to my Guardian about this, any help??

    well im not really asking her permission to do it but id like her to know so she wont like find out by catching us ya know?
  6. Kikiers

    How to make him understand?

    THanks everyone, he is getting much better he actually taught his family how to talk to me lol and his friends are learning also. :)
  7. Kikiers

    I dont know how to talk to my Guardian about this, any help??

    Okay so i live with my Grandma who is my foster mum, and shes pretty cool about things like Sex and stuff she knows me and my boyfriend have had oral sex and some other stuff, but i do know her view about me having Vaginal or Anal sex. which of course like any parent is that she doesn't want me...
  8. Kikiers

    Birthday Months

    April 13th. Love it when it lands on a friday ;) .. Aries!
  9. Kikiers

    How to make him understand?

    I recently started dating a Hearing guy, He knows I'm HOH and I've told him how he should face me when talking and some other tips to make sure i hear them. But he dosn't really ever seem to remember that, and therefor i miss half the conversation most times. This seems to happen a lot when im...
  10. Kikiers

    Worried for my future..

    Yup i know, but dosnt hurt to have some plans to start off with then just go with the flow like you said from there :) :D
  11. Kikiers

    Worried for my future..

    Thanks, to all the replies. i am going to go to community college, then to university. i should be graduating the next school year, during the first semester. I have heard of there being officers being Hoh, so idk might have a chance at that just got to wear my hearing aid 24/7 even if they dont...
  12. Kikiers

    Worried for my future..

    No, im not that great with numbers so thats out. i want a job were its something different everyday and something ill enjoy for the reast of my life but it seems being hard of hearing/deaf very much limits your choices.
  13. Kikiers

    Worried for my future..

    Hello, I'm new to this place. My name is Kiana im Hoh. when i was born my left ear had mild heariing loss and my right ear was kinda ok. Now im almost 17, and my left has severe hearing loss and and my right has mild. Well, i'm getting a bit worried because i'm afraid i wont be able to find a...