Recent content by Katechristinee

  1. Katechristinee

    Need A Deaf Facetime Buddy

    hmu ill give you my number so we can facetime sometime
  2. Katechristinee

    To Wear Hearing Aids Or Not To?

    i just started wearing them last year and tbh i forget them most of the time and i prefer to not wear them unless i go to like a concert or movie or something like that
  3. Katechristinee

    I Need Friends Lmao

    hmu if you wanna be friends, and follow me on instagram l.yner :))
  4. Katechristinee

    Half Deaf

    thank you, im trying haha
  5. Katechristinee

    Half Deaf

    Hey, i'm Kate, Im 15 and completely deaf in my right ear and am going deaf in my left, im trying to learn asl but its really difficult