Recent content by indygrl

  1. I

    Best way to learn ASL? Hints, Ideas, Opinions?

    ive been seeing someone abt 5 mths who is deaf and he doesn't speak much so at first we relied on aim and writing when we were first getting to know each other. He started to teach me to sign and i am learning at a steady pace. I know that at first like u said we relied a lot more on...
  2. I

    hearing learning ASL, how long?

    I agree that it all depends on the person how quick it takes to learn asl. I've been learning about 5 months now from deaf coworkers at work. It was pretty slow learning at first but now i am doing much better. The more time i spend with my friends the quicker i pick it up. I would like to...
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    New to AD

    I'm fairly new to AD....I am a hearing person that's interested in learning more of the deaf culture. I started my job last Aug. and there are a handfull of deaf employees there. Me and on specific individual seemed very drawn to each other...since then he has been teaching me was...
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    How do you write from ASL to english grammer?

    i'm having the opposite problem...i'm a hearing person learning asl from a deaf friend at work...right now we are just focusing on learning specific words or phrases... When he signs to me or even when he instant messages me i see the difference in grammer, but i am having a difficult time...
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    hearing learning ASL, how long?

    I'm still a beginner at ASL, i've only been learning about 2 months now. I work with several deaf people at my work, and me and a particular individual were drawn to each other. During breaks we would communicate by writing and after work hours we would instant message on the computer. He...
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    thinking in asl/esl

    I'm just starting to learn ASL and these tips are great to me. Because of my busy schedule i'm not able to talk any formal classes..but am seeing a deaf man who's teaching me. I also work with several deaf coworkers and they are patient with me. I'm finding it really difficult but was so glad...