Recent content by i7717703

  1. I

    Name Signs In BSL or ASL?

    I have never been given a sign name despite growing up with D/deaf people :/ but most people sign D-Y-L (short for Dylan) which is pretty quick...although i'd love to have a sign name lol!!! Dyl :)
  2. I


    I wasn't born with impaired hearing, but as I have got older (im 22) i now have moderate hearing loss...likely to get worse. This may sound dumb or ignorant, but this is the first time I have really looked into D/deaf stuff and i'm just wondering. Deaf means hearing impaired and also part of...
  3. I

    Transgender students

    When I was at school I wasn't out as trans, but felt really uncomfortable using the ladies toilets. I had a hard time at school for other things so was given permission to use one of the disabled toilets. When I went back to school after coming out as trans (at 19) there were no unisex bathrooms...
  4. I

    How old were you...

    I first knew something was 'queer' about me when I was about 12. Im transgender and pansexual. I came out as bisexual at 13, lesbian at 15, transgender at 19 and i havent really 'come out' as pansexual per se, but people who know me just think of me as queer (in a good way not a bad way) which I...
  5. I

    Hi :)

    Hi people. Im new here (obv.). My name is Dylan but most people call me Dyl. Anyway, just thought i'd say hi before I check out the rest of the forum! Dyl :)