Recent content by Hasnalogy

  1. Hasnalogy

    The humble hearing aid

    the concept is interesting but i would like to see more visual... One thing that is important in poetry ( which I have yet to master) is to show not tell. Can you SHOW the frustration of the one who uses the hearing aid... or the journey of the hearing aid that once knew the coziness of a...
  2. Hasnalogy

    Pop Art

    This sounds like its supposed to be a song.. Is that the case. The beginning made me think of this song i heard that had to do with prayer for Muslims before dawn.. " You wake up in the mornin' cover your mouth when your yawnin look out the window and its time to pray YOu wash your hands...
  3. Hasnalogy

    I wish my grass was emo

    That was unique....
  4. Hasnalogy

    Poem: Mating before dating.

    lets move this zero up I read your poem days ago but I didnt really know what comment I had on it. Its true how nowadays this does seem to be rampantly the case. And it is very very much tied into the usage of alcohol which makes a person lose their inhibition. The tone of the writer doesnt...
  5. Hasnalogy

    WORMS OF HOPE : A Dedication

    hit me up with some commentary.. your opinon counts! Hey everyone I was just checking in.. 60 Views of my poem but not ONE COMMENT :( come on yall ! :P
  6. Hasnalogy

    What are you thinking about? Part II

    I like that.. "I dont want to live to work, I want to work to live." I would like to get in touch with different people on here directly and Im wondering if theres any way to do that?
  7. Hasnalogy

    Whats your ethnic background?

    Daddy: Trinidadian and Grenadian Mother: African American ( with Native American and Irish.. I wish I knew where in Africa.. but thanks to most of your ancestors for those of you below ) jk
  8. Hasnalogy

    WORMS OF HOPE : A Dedication

    Greetings to All Im still new to alldeaf and tryign to get a feel of how things go around here. This a poem that I wrote some time before and I wanted to share it here. It's dedicated to all of those who desire to be more and to do more but just have to give their own selves the chance...
  9. Hasnalogy

    Second year ASL student looking for deaf males? :)

    Im just curious... what is it about Deaf culture that you love love love? Would you be able to explain it?
  10. Hasnalogy

    I am lonely

    I think lonliness does occur with alot of people when they are alone but it can also occur when a person is surrounded by people. I'm not deaf but I remember once when I was younger being in my crowded classroom and writing a poem about being lonely. I was well liked all around but sometimes I...