Recent content by Gigirn

  1. G

    School For The Deaf Or Mainstream?

    My girls just moved from mainstream to a Deaf school. Academically they were doing well but social emotionally they were a mess. Both my girls have flourished in their school and love it. The other kids may only make sounds but you would be surprised many of them voice but choose not to because...
  2. G

    Deaf Education

    My oldest is above grade level academically but she has always struggled socially. When we first started talking her first response you mean I wouldn't have to say what all the time? It was an eye opener for us. My youngest is struggling with reading but I believe it is because mainstream will...
  3. G

    Deaf Education

    Long story short we live in NJ and have 2 Deaf children. We have had to fight for everything in mainstream setting. My youngest had a lot of issues crying every day and not wanting to attend school. We asked for an evaluation to and they put it in as a reevaluation and declassified her, pulling...