Recent content by Famiza12

  1. Famiza12

    Famiza Yates' Introduction

    Thanks Authentic. I used to live in SF, too!
  2. Famiza12

    Famiza Yates' Introduction

    Thank you KristinaB : )
  3. Famiza12

    Famiza Yates' Introduction

    Hi Eseff, Here's a little bit of information about my niece's, Morgan's, implant process. First of all, we believe that sign language is her first language so we try very hard to maintain signing , which is very important to us, in our lives. Thus, the reason for the ASL practice MeetUps...
  4. Famiza12

    Famiza Yates' Introduction

    Hi, I hope all the best for your son and niece. Do either of them use some kind of hearing aid or sign only? I wish you were closer so you could make it to the group. Thanks for sharing!
  5. Famiza12

    Famiza Yates' Introduction

    Hi, nice to meet you. I am sorry our group didn't started a long time ago. Just have your brother go to our website and sign up. I am a total beginner, so I get into a group with other beginners and we practice at our level. Typically, people break up into mini groups according to their sign...
  6. Famiza12

    Famiza Yates' Introduction

    Thank you Thank you to everyone who is responding to me. I would love to make some friends!!
  7. Famiza12

    Famiza Yates' Introduction

    Thank you for your post, you make me feel very welcoming to AllDeaf. Thank you for that. Throughout the experience with my niece, I am very supportive of both speaking and signing. Although, I am not deaf, I think it is important for the deaf and hard of hearing to have the chance to be able...
  8. Famiza12

    Famiza Yates' Introduction

    Wow, thank you so much for welcoming me.
  9. Famiza12

    Famiza Yates' Introduction

    Hello all, My name is Famiza Yates and I joined alldeaf because I have a niece, Morgan, who was born profoundly deaf. She got cochlear implants when she was a baby and an extensive amount of speech therapy over her first several years. She is 8 years old now, attends a mainstream elementary...