Recent content by ewheat

  1. E

    Two Masses, one community: Deaf and hearing service draws parishioners

    It's nice knowing we're considered equals at certain congregations while sporting the membership of his Lordship. The funny thing is, you know who else considers us equals, besides his Jesusificatilcaliousness? The Grim Reaper, yeah. The old Grimstah. Anyway, not to kick a dead horse (which...
  2. E

    Some Deaf People Ask for Money

    Not at all. The price previously stated was picked out of the Bag of Vaguer associated with remembering the events. She charged me for the drink itself, if you can actually believe that. I mean... just think about it... for God's sake, she... charged... me.... for......... the...
  3. E

    al Qaeda prisoner made up stuff about Saddam and bin Laden

    Consider this metaphor: The government is a large body of water. Between the land of the public and the government is a dam. Our journalists sit by the wall, earnestly waiting sack the next governmental Hans Brinker in sight. When that happens, tsunamis of last year become today's headlines.
  4. E

    Merry Xmas from Confusion

    After compiling raunchy night-after-Christmas sonnets, I checked me IRC terminal in #deaf on EFNet. Someone somehow and somewhere posted the internet address to this forum. My name is Eric. I'm a senior at Gallaudet and I have no goddamned idea what to do with my life. People say you...
  5. E

    Some Deaf People Ask for Money

    pissed One time i was sitting in a coffee shop. The cute girl behind the counter was deaf, but she didn't know ASL just signed english. That's pretty typical for a hot deaf waitress/clerk/soda jerk working miles away from the closest school, but hey I'm not complaining. At least she knew her...