Recent content by EbanWhite

  1. EbanWhite

    What did you dream last night?

    I dreamed that this hearing guy and I had just "forgotten" we were dating. Then at the college we remembered and started acting like it. And we spoke to each other. This guy has a pretty mouth. ;)
  2. EbanWhite

    This chick could use some HoH/deaf friends.

    Thank you, guys. XD
  3. EbanWhite

    Tell us something about yourself?

    I am pansexual. Meaning I am gender blind. I don't like cats or dogs (except Danes, mastiffs, etc). I am a hippy! Tattoo/piercing freak. I suffer from chronic pain. Twitter freak.
  4. EbanWhite

    Tell us something about yourself?

    I LOVE Danes! Lovelovelove!
  5. EbanWhite

    This chick could use some HoH/deaf friends.

    Hahaha, you so funny. :| Creepy cat. :)
  6. EbanWhite

    This chick could use some HoH/deaf friends.

    No, not Hatterus. Tiny little Oak Island. I would have to google it as well unless I'm missing something. :) Anyone around my age? (if you're not, it won't make a difference. I'm friendly with everyone.)
  7. EbanWhite

    This chick could use some HoH/deaf friends.

    I have known two deaf people in my entire 18 years. This blows. No one signs here (coast of NC). It's all writing on paper, texting in the same room, and the like. I'm HoH. Very. But I don't use "true" ASL. I use the PSE stuff. I think? It's confusing but I use halfway proper English...