Recent content by Denise China

  1. Denise China

    Adoption of a deaf child from China

    You know I love the pic you put under your Avatar. The one I have in my signature was taken off my front deck. God's awesome beauty for sure!
  2. Denise China

    Adoption of a deaf child from China

    Thanks! I'm excited to participate and learn as much as I can. Thanks for the welcome!
  3. Denise China

    Adoption of a deaf child from China

    Grendel Thank you!
  4. Denise China

    Hearing parent adopt deaf child?

    Yes, we have two deaf schools within four hours of here. Grant it, not the closest but doable. We are in the four corners region - there is one in ABQ and one in Col Springs. I'm still going to try the mainstream school system first though. The county we're in provides sign language...
  5. Denise China

    Adoption of a deaf child from China

    That would be great! If you could put me in touch with them I would really appreciate it! Thanks
  6. Denise China

    Adoption of a deaf child from China

    Thanks. We are so excited. At last count there were 36 deaf children on the China medicals needs list (as they call it), so there are a few. I know of a woman in the Denver area that is in the process of adopting two older sons from China that are deaf. She is a deaf educator. My daughter...
  7. Denise China

    Hearing parent adopt deaf child?

    Never mind - just figured it out! "Hey, by the way, I've tried all ways to get the photos I've loaded to show in the post responses but they aren't coming up. What am I doing wrong? thanks"
  8. Denise China

    Hearing parent adopt deaf child?

    Thanks! I was concerned about the visual as well. Let's face it, little kids like animation. I've found a few kids movies with closed captioning, and some story books in ASL, but for the younger kids all I can find is Mother Goose in SE. I'm going with ASL at the suggestion of some local...
  9. Denise China

    Hearing parent adopt deaf child?

    Hi, I'm in the process of adopting a deaf child from China. My first daughter is from China and hearing but medicals needs. I actually tried to adopt and eight year old deaf son from China a little over two years ago but they denied me due to the age difference and the fact that the boy had...
  10. Denise China

    Bible in ASL

    Anything for kids in ASL? I've found a couple of kids songs, like Jesus Loves Me and Jesus Loves the Little Children in ASL but that's it. I'm adopting a deaf child from China the first half of next year, and am also a Sunday School Teacher. I will be teaching my students the two songs this...
  11. Denise China

    Adoption of a deaf child from China

    Hi All, I am hearing, as is my first daughter, also adopted from China. I am adopting a deaf child the first half of 2011 from China. There is pretty much no signing education for deaf children in orphanages in China, other than basic signs for eating, bathroom etc... My daughter and I are...