Recent content by DeafRepublican

  1. D

    The next 4 years: a shift to "ownership society"

    Reba, you rock! Free enterprise is better than socialism. If the United States became a socialist country, lazy people would take advantage of it while hard-working people get nothing that is rewarding for their hard work.
  2. D

    if Kerry is elected for the President, Osama Bin Laden will attack the US.

    You need to check out FahrenHYPE 9/11, which dispels the lies of Fahrenheit 9/11 and Michael Moore.
  3. D

    Work with me or be left out: Bush

    How can I refuse to listen to the other side? I watched Fahrenheit 9/11 and it did not convince me at all. At least I had the gall to listen to what the other side had to say.
  4. D

    Work with me or be left out: Bush

    I have compared notes from both sides and came to the conclusion that Bush is a better leader than Kerry.
  5. D

    Work with me or be left out: Bush

    In fact, I supported Clinton in '92. But then I changed my mind and supported Dole in '96. So I wasn't pessimistic when Clinton first became president, I was pessimistic when he was re-elected.
  6. D

    To Democrats/Free-thinking/Liberals: 'The Chicken Rot'

    Michael Moore bends the truth to match his propaganda. I compared Fahrenheit 9/11 and Fahrenhype 9/11 and noticed that he is in fact BIASED. Check out
  7. D

    Work with me or be left out: Bush

    How typical. You refuse to listen to the other side of the political spectrum. Just like Dumbass Michael Moore and his failure of a movie.
  8. D

    Work with me or be left out: Bush

    Aw, stop being pessimistic, will ya? America has spoken, and George W. Bush has won. He is not a dictator, period.
  9. D

    To Democrats/Free-thinking/Liberals: 'The Chicken Rot'

    Michael Moore is a Big Fat Stupid White Man! Pfft! Michael Moore is such a loser. He has failed, period. He IS the reason Kerry lost. Fahrenheit 9/11 is a crockumentary - it's a load of CRAP. He is not very credible.
  10. D

    Vote for RWC or Open Captioned

    Exactly. All we have to do is remind the companies to include subtitles before they distribute them.
  11. D

    Vote for RWC or Open Captioned

    Theatres are switching to digital so it is possible that they could start adding subtitles, thus saving the movie industry millions.
  12. D

    Who are you guys going to vote for in 2004?

    Michael Moore is not a reliable source. GEORGE W. BUSH - FOUR MORE YEARS!
  13. D

    United States of America President Schwarzenegger in 2008?

    Why not a deaf president? Deaf people should get involved in politics and run for office.
  14. D

    Deaf students have difficult time with English tests

    I agree. The problem is not the language itself, but the lack of motivation to read. Deaf children should be encouraged to read at a young age so they could reinforce better English skills. And parents should take the responsibility to offer encouragement. We need smarter deaf people!
  15. D

    Keep the Pressure on Bush/Cheney

    Yawn. This is a free country, and we have our choices. I am going to vote Republican this upcoming election. Halliburton is old news.