Recent content by courtneyc

  1. courtneyc

    New Member!

    Hey I'm Courtney and I'm not deaf but I'm really interested in learning ASL and making friends on here. That'd be pretty cool! :cool2:
  2. courtneyc

    Anyone willing to help me learn ASL?

    Hey guys I'm Courtney and I'm hearing. I've recently become interested in the deaf culture and community and I'd really like to learn how to sign ASL. I don't know of any classes or any deaf people near my area but, I have been looking at videos on Dr. Bill Vicar's website I can...
  3. courtneyc

    Students Looking for ASL buddies

    I want to learn ASL Hey guys i'm Courtney and I really am interested in Deaf Culture and learning to sign. I don't know of any classes to take near me and I don't know anyone deaf personally but I would really love to learn to sign. I know how to finger spell and I know a couple basic signs but...