Recent content by clerchall

  1. C

    Why adults choose CI's for their children

    At age 50, my parents wanted me to be "normal" - hence used the latest technology back in th early 60's. Out society is very characterized as being"normal", who wants a disabled child ? My mother still talks as if there is a mircle cure for my hearing loss, hence the parent's today are still...
  2. C

    Are Many Girls Snobby or Two-Faced at Gallaudet University?

    It's the same all over. Girls at Gally are no different from hearing schools - either they like you or not. Get over it. There are many fish in the sea - if a girl gives you the impression she does'nt like you - move on.
  3. C

    Did many girls take serious study at Gallaudet University?

    You never know what is around the corner - one of my roommates was a "queen bee". I never knew that until I moved into another room. He was very "popular" at his deaf high school. You would be surprised how many students I knew from that time have died from AIDS.
  4. C

    Did many girls take serious study at Gallaudet University?

    It works both ways - girls chasing boys, vice versa. If you knew the stories I heard - amazing.
  5. C

    TV help!!!!

    Great many shows are captioned word for word, except for Sesame Street. Sesame Street tends to abbreviate the conversations.
  6. C

    Gallaudet at risk of losing accreditation

    The three Gally Fraternities - Kappa Gamma -ASL; Kappa Sigma- H.I/oral; Alpha Sigma Pi - both ASL/Oral. Been a long time ago - has it changed with the Kappa Gamma walking in a straight line ?, sitting at the lunch table - not eating ?
  7. C

    Does this happen often???

    I just tell them to speak louder, as "I'm deaf". They will do this and because I'm H.I., can hear them make a fool of themselves.
  8. C

    Gallaudet at risk of losing accreditation

    Former Gally student Going to Gally in the late 70's, early 80's, nothing has changed. We had people protesting about oral vs. signs. I look it as a mirror image - HI people are criticized for not "speaking English correctly" by hearing people, at the same time deaf criticize HI for not...
  9. C

    Gally President Protests

    Response As a student who went to Gally - I can understand the frustration of sign vs. non-sign. I was mainstreamed, went to Gally where I learned sign for the first time. There were those who looked down on me " you speak pidgen", or "english hearing" , yet when growning up, people would...