Recent content by cgreen227

  1. C

    Beginning to learn sign language

    I have both facebook and myspace, but I rarely use myspace. Facebook is a daily thing however...
  2. C

    Beginning to learn sign language

    I have skype (turtlegreen227), but I can get an MSN one if you would like. It would be wonderful if we could work this out a little!!! i could probably learn more on my own first though. I know literally nothing. I just started looking into it last week and I have been busy doing summer AP...
  3. C


    My first is in chocolate, but not in ham. My second is in cake, and also in candle. My third at tea-time is easily found. My whole is a friend who often around. What am I? My friend gave me this one last year sometime and it really frustrated me. I never figured it out and she wouldn't...
  4. C

    Freaky??...try it out!

    I came up with peppers, but thats because my hands still burn because I was out picking the garden most of the day...
  5. C


    17. Wow, that took a while.
  6. C

    Nerdy One-Liners

    I like the "theory proven" or dna ones, but it is kind of surprising and impressive that I have not heard them before.
  7. C

    Nerdy One-Liners

    I wish my homework was asexual so it would do itself.
  8. C

    Beginning to learn sign language

    I am a hearing person attempting to teach myself sign language and would like to know if anyone has time to communicate via webcam or something so I can learn ASL. I know very little, and figured the sooner I start actualy communicating instead of just memorizing signs the better off I will be...
  9. C


    I dissected a squirrel last week...
  10. C

    Nerdy One-Liners

    There are definitely many different types of nerds. I just find it funny how so many actually fit the stereotypes.
  11. C

    Anwering Machine Messages

    I forgot about that one!
  12. C

    Nerdy One-Liners

    Of all the versions of "There are __ kinds of people in this world..." That one is by far my favorite. You actually have to know binary to understand it, compared to the others where you just have to be able to pay attention. I go to a Math Science and Technology school, so I get tons of...
  13. C

    Anwering Machine Messages

    This is you-know-who. We are you-know-where. Leave your you-know-what you-know-when. You have reached the BPX-2000 Voice Blackmail System. Your voice patterns are now being digitally encoded and stored for later use. Once this is done, our computers will be able to use the sound of your...
  14. C

    Nerdy One-Liners

    Yep. That's right. I have decided to give myself zero pay raise this year: $80,000 + 0 = $800,000. 4/3 people don't understand fractions. There are 10 kinds of people in this world. Those who know binary and those who don't. Oh, judge your damn laws: the good people don't need them...
  15. C

    Clever Sayings......

    Gravity. Don't fall for it. What I learned in the lab: hot glass looks the same as cold glass. I'm not lazy. I'm overflowing with potential energy. It's not that I cannot explain it...It's that you wouldn't understand. There are 3 types of people in this world. Those who can count...