Recent content by Bttrflystar

  1. B

    New Member

    Welcome to Alldeaf :thumb:
  2. B

    Deaf and living between two worlds

    great article... I am hearing but my grandma is deaf so I like to think that I understand the deaf community a lot more then most hearing people. I believe that there is a lot of missunderstanding between the hearing community and the deaf community. Hearing people assume that the deafness is...
  3. B

    Hello Everyone

    Welcome AllDeaf! I am also learning ASL. Hope you can learn a lot here.
  4. B

    Hello from California

    Thanks I just wanted to thank you all for the warm welcome. Hope to get to know all of you better. Take care, Jenny
  5. B

    Hello from California

    Hello I'm Jenny and just join the forum tonight. My Grandma and Grandpa are deaf but I an Hearing. I have taken a few ASL classes in the past and I am currently in an ASL class in college. I want to become an interpreter.