Recent content by Bladeh

  1. B

    Got my Phonak Naida Q50 UP's programmed

    What's the correct way a audiologist would program your aids ? Usually mine does a few tweaks on the computer and then kicks me out lol , maybe I'm just too easily pleased. I just got 2 new Phonak Naida Q50 UP aids yesterday and they certainly need programming, I just hooked up the com pilot and...
  2. B

    Phonak Nadia Q50 UP v Phonak Nadia III UP

    Anyone know the difference between these aids? I just received the Q50 today and it is certainly different sounding than my older III Maybe I just need to get more adjusted to the sound.
  3. B

    Colored Hearing aids and EARMOLDS? AGE

    I've had a black/silver Phonak Naida UP for a few years now, really needed two aids but money was tight a few years ago. I will be ordering two new Naida's in pure transparent, I really don't give a crap what people think of my HA's , if they have a problem...... Not my problem ;) 44 years
  4. B

    Naida H.A.

    Last week I ordered the Naida III UP in black and silver, my audiologist ordered it first thing Monday morning and it was in my ear by 3pm Tuesday, I ordered it for my weak left ear because I have been having a lot of problems with my stronger right ear, I'm sure I have an infection or something...