Recent content by bittersweet_shimmer

  1. bittersweet_shimmer

    Who is single here?

    Hi @queenjendy! I'm sorry you have been teased for being deaf. Not cool. I am hearing, but was teased and bullied for having cerebral palsy and using a wheelchair. I don't know very many people who are deaf, but I've been told my hometown has a "deaf community", so to speak. But I don't know...
  2. bittersweet_shimmer

    PRO-LIFE VICTORY! Late-Term Abortions Effectively Banned in THIS State

    I think.. When it comes to the issue of abortion, I am on the fence. I live in South Dakota (one of the biggest abortion opposing states there is), and my state tried outlawing abortions completely (even if it was rape or incest), and I'm glad that kind of ban never passed. Personally, I...
  3. bittersweet_shimmer

    Deaf &/or ASL Buddies! :)

    I can relate! Hi Taylor! :wave: I can completely relate to wanting to skip learning ASL and already be fluent! I know the ASL alphabet and numbers 1-10 and maybe a few other signs but that's about it. I've always been interested in ASL and Deaf culture, but it's been interesting since I'm...
  4. bittersweet_shimmer

    3 Degrees of Jackassery....

    I encountered a 1st degree jackass last night. I was at a store, and she had a kid and proceeded to go with her cart into the ONLY accessible fitting room there was and took forever showing her friend what she looked like in what she tried on. I can understand shopping is more difficult with...
  5. bittersweet_shimmer

    Communicating with Limited Hand Function

    A question (with a bit of back story) for all ASL users: I have cerebral palsy (CP). For the most part my legs are more affected than my arms. However, I do have weakness in my hands that make it difficult to form the ASL hand shapes. I can fingerspell and do some simple signs with my right...
  6. bittersweet_shimmer

    One for the resident cat ladies ...

    Haha LOL Love it!! This picture reminds me of Garfield trying to mail Nermal to Abu Dhabi!!! :lol::D:laugh2::giggle:
  7. bittersweet_shimmer

    Hello people.. anyone wanna be friends?

    Hi Sieara, I am relatively new here too. I joined in November, but haven't been able to be on since February. Anyway, like you, I look around a lot and am pretty shy. I am hearing as well, but I can completely relate to not knowing how to just "jump in" to conversations. If you ever feel...
  8. bittersweet_shimmer

    Hi Everybody! I'm hearing, but am interested in ASL and Deaf Culture

    Hi Everybody, :wave: As you probably figured out, I'm new here. I am hearing, but have an interest in sign language, Deaf culture, and related things like that. I have cerebral palsy, and as my left hand is weaker than my right, I'm not the world's greatest signer (I know a little bit). I am...