Recent content by beetarehoh

  1. beetarehoh

    CI on 6 year old.

    Oh ok. Thanks. Honestly, I think I want the bickering to end and try to remain to have good feedbacks with all of you.
  2. beetarehoh

    CI on 6 year old.

    Just out of curiousity, are you providing non bias information like cue speech, ASL, total communication, and any other source too along with CI?
  3. beetarehoh


    I know I am way too late to say this but jillio great vent. I sure hope convinces some hearing people. shel90 great vent also! and congratulations on your classes. I sure hope other schools recognize your acheivements and can place more kids under you! I wish I had a teacher like you! :)
  4. beetarehoh

    CI on 6 year old.

  5. beetarehoh

    CI on 6 year old.

    I overlooked this statement from Cloggy. I am not saying that your daughter can hear is not believable. Whats I do not believable is your resource will advocate ALL deaf lives. You can observe daughter and tell us how well she is doing but as of right now does not mean anything to me...
  6. beetarehoh

    CI on 6 year old.

    neecy, After Cloggy and I debated sharing my thoughts about deaf culture because of my experiences, I was told not to project the miseries to Cloggy. So I stopped and not talk about it to him. Instead he keeps insist talking about how importants it is to hear. So I ADMIT I got frustrated and...
  7. beetarehoh

    CI on 6 year old.

  8. beetarehoh

    CI on 6 year old.

    I notice we keep trying to educate one another but does not go through each others head. So each of us have goals educate one and another about deafness. But how do we unite? Cloggy: Always been focusing about how important is it to hear so we can communicate with hearing world. Focusing...
  9. beetarehoh

    CI on 6 year old.

    Cloggy-I totally repect your wishes. I can see that you are doing the best Lotte, some people here even said you are very good person. The reason I was frustrated is not willing to open mind. Earlier comments is very limited view, because I already know what is going to happen for your...
  10. beetarehoh

    CI on 6 year old.

    Cloggy-To be honest with you, most of your comments are not believable because you observe as a parent. There is much more for me to say but if I start then this will become turmoil with you so forget it. Your arguments are worthless to me and who knows of how many other people agrees. So if...
  11. beetarehoh

    "Letting the Child Decide"

    Finally back from good vacation. Needed a break from AD. You asked if I feel the same way, yes when I was a child wanted to understand badly from hearing peers. Always been left out from a group. And everytime I asked my mother to repeat, its not the same or it embarrases me. (No sign...
  12. beetarehoh

    "Letting the Child Decide"

    What you said just hit my Good spot! Thats the words I was trying to look for! I ll remember that. Way to go!
  13. beetarehoh

    "Letting the Child Decide"

    Thanks. My mother is a great person. She just didnt know. And also my chin has already been up for a LONG time. Thought just trying to warn and help other parents but they are stubborn as well. Maybe everything will be fine with their child implantation. I have two wonderful children and...
  14. beetarehoh

    CI on 6 year old.

    This is not about against child implantation. This is about SYMPATHY on the child. Also I want to empathize that I AM NOT AGAINST child implatation. If my child is profoundly deaf I PREFER not to have one for him/her because I have alternative way to communicate with my child and wait until...