Recent content by 800poundgorilla

  1. 8

    How Can You Love God and Hate Someone ?

    Wrong Over six million have and continue to not kill their fellowman. This is worldwide. Your reasoning is just awful, I have in my life read never read as much bunk as you write. The scary thing is, you seem to believe it.
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    For JW (Jehovah's Witness) supporters

    Coming soon For those who would like just to hear what the Bible says
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    For JW (Jehovah's Witness) supporters

    Are you trying to confuse us with the truth? Great point!!
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    How Can You Love God and Hate Someone ?

    Why? Deal first with the facts you have been given, most importantly in the areas of loving your neighbor and praying for your enemy, turning the other cheek. Quite frankly, you like other modern day "christians", are very secular in your view of war. While I understand what you are trying...
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    How Can You Love God and Hate Someone ?

    Most religions deserve a lot of criticism, remember Jesus said, many will CLAIM to represent him but truly do not. As to your questions, it is a two way street. And you are very dogmatic about your beliefs, so the motivation is really not there to answer every allegation. One woman says in...
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    For JW (Jehovah's Witness) supporters

    Nicene Creed and the Truth about the Trinity
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    How Can You Love God and Hate Someone ?

    Nicene Creed and the Truth about the Trinity
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    How Can You Love God and Hate Someone ?

    Hey time to start a new thread, perhaps the heading should be, Is Jesus God, the trinity discussed. What do you think?
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    How Can You Love God and Hate Someone ?

    He is our only hope, and his hope....the Almighty God.
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    How Can You Love God and Hate Someone ?

    Well there is hope!
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    How Can You Love God and Hate Someone ?

    Luke 1:32, 35 "He will be great, and will be called the son of the Most High".
  12. 8

    For JW (Jehovah's Witness) supporters

    Wow looks like your on to something! You went to a Witness hater site and found breaking news, what a surprise, but when you go on the today show, you may want mention that =he had no real proof, stupid really,this would be everywhere if it were true. It is pure lies and slander! my next...
  13. 8

    How Can You Love God and Hate Someone ? Trick, I thought you would find this interesting. let Me know what you think. By the way, I do not know this guy, but it looks like he worked hard on it. Nicene Creed and the Truth about the Trinity
  14. 8

    How Can You Love God and Hate Someone ?

    Trinity is that who God is? Does the Bible teach that God is some three pronged three headed multiple personality? Coming soon, what the King James version really says on the matter. with NO lame commentary from people you do not know, just the scriptures and only the scriptures.