WOMEN VS MEN (negivate thingy) *no war*

there you go!! men always get the expensive things than women!! i rather have nice flower, movies and dinner.

CrazyRedHeadWV said:
there you go!! men always get the expensive things than women!! i rather have nice flower, movies and dinner.


Not my ex. She always bought stuff that we don't need and couldn't afford. I am always trying to stretch the dollar so we both have a place to live, have plenty of food and clothes.
weee! Ook, so men and women will never be completley equal, right? No matter what we say or do, thats the way it is. Women do somethings better or with more skill than men, and men do things better than or with more skill than women. But any skill or thing is transferable, men can do female jobs and women can do male jobs. Our bodies are obviously different, and can cause our activities to be limited, however, that does not mean one sex and/or gender is better than the other.

I used to bitch about Megladon and the invisible man (other roomie) leaving the seat up, but I think it was Megladon who said, "would you rather the seat be up or have little drops of pee on the seat." A feminist would say, "Well AIM BETTER!" But I said he was right, and its not a big deal to put the seat down anyways. I dont :bowdown: to men, nor do I expect them to do that for me. Equal partnership is important, right? Compromise is key!

True fact, Megladon does things better than I, and I do things better than him, but we dont fight over it ya know. :)

But if i had to pick..... (sorry if im repeating already said stuff)

I hate the way guys expect women to do it all - by "all" i mean manage the house, manage the money, manage the kids, come home and cook dinner after a long day and then expect them to be nice afterwards. These are things my dad did, he expected my mom to be "wonder woman" and work 40 hours a week, take care of my sister and I, make dinner for him and do his dishes, clean the house.. Equal partnership I say!!! :)

I hate the way men think women are emotional - cause if a guy had to do all the things i said above, and do it perfectly, they'd be neurotic too!!

I hate the way some men think that women need help all the time cause they're supposed to be "fragile." Fragile my ass! :P

I'll stop before you think im male-bashing.. I love men, especially the one I get to go home to, so despite all the crappy things, I cant live with out them! :ily:
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Bullym0m said:
I do negivate about men....
Always kept nodding women's feel emotions.. (totally hyporite?)
Men loves sport talk talk talk.. left out women.. (Made me bored fall sleep)
Men doesn't know how clean the toilet (Ohhhhhhhhhh yeah) Anyone vote?

Heh, I think it is quite opposite for me..

I always listen to women's feelings but one of my ex does not (she is trying to hurt me)
I almost never talk about sports unless some guys or gals ask me about it.
I believe it was women who almost never let the toilet lift down.. I always have to nag them to close it -_-
In fact, I loathe to watch the TV, you can see the dust on TV remote or TV itself. why do I have a TV in first place? because of movies and animes :/

Negatives about women:

- cold feet (in bed, it always wake me up when they touch me with these cold feet!)
- "almost" always pick wrong men (so-called handsome sake but meannie, for money, etc etc) spite of others or my warnings about these guys, they still go/went out and end up regret about it in future. 95% always.
- Did not give us enough space to do whatever we need to do. If any of you actually read John Gray's, you will understand why men NEED the space or isolate himself in garage working on car or whatever so badly
- did not give any men enough love or attention in few years or longer of relaitonship or neglect our (men)'s needs.. (Again, read John Gray's books to understand what I talked about) [note: most men have that problem as well but not me :P]
- cooking, well not all of them are lousy in cooking.. it is stereotyping thing to say I admit. I love to cook and I end up cook most of time for my lovers.
- complain about little things that should not complain in first place, but that's how women are. They need to express their feelings about these to make them feel better.

I want to reply some of this: (Fly Free, please believe me that I am not trying to offend you nor your opinions. I just share my opinions, my perspectives or my beliefs). Alright with you? Last thing I want to do is offend any women or men with my comments.

Fly Free said:
  • women can handle stress better than men

  • Not all women are. Some women could not deal with incredibly stress that men can easily deal with.
    Fly Free said:
    • women knows how to appreciate women :P

    • Then I guess you or women got wrong men.. :/
      Fly Free said:
      • women knows how to multi-task better than men

      • True but yet women don't know how to concentrate their focus on one simple task. That's why they often have overstress or nervous breakdown problems. Men can do that with no problem. If don't believe me, read John Gray's books to get better understanding what I mean about women.
        Fly Free said:
        • women are overall much more loving than men

        • Untrue. I can do much better than 90% women in affectionate. I can challenge you or any women and win the battle but it is not point of winning or not. The point is that some men can do much more than women think but again, I guess you or any women pick wrong men... :/
          Fly Free said:
          • (coming from a lesbian) women knows how to satisfy women in bed :P

          • Again untrue. Like I said above, you or women pick wrong men.. :/ and I have several lebsian friends and they said that some women don't know how to satifsy regardless of gender they made love with. Important note: If you want to have better sex from men then communicate with your boyfriends/husband to tell them that they need to improve in that and that area. That's where most relationship/marriage failed because of communicate issues. Tell them how you feel, tell them what you need (never, never tell them what you "want", it often will offend men with that word for some reason). Also tell them in nice way or gentle way about their make love issues sine it will offend men's pride but they have to learn and listen. Another important note: Men should have listen or keep your mind open to your girlfriends/wives what they want to say. In some many ways, women know more about you than you think. Ability to communicate and listen are most powerful factor in relationship/marriage, if men or women have that ability(ies) then you will have probable 80% less problems

            will add more if I have anything to add...

            I want to add the positives about women as well because I don't want to make them feel lousy or whatever, it is not my place to do that to any women even though I had bad experiences with women in the past. Here it is:

            - wake up with my lover in the bed during morning is most wonderful thing to experience EVER also warm and lumpy in bed to cuddle :D
            - someone to talk, to express, to share, to cry upon, to cuddle, many more affectionate with women. it is beautiful feeling for me to feel. you know, sometimes we, men feel odd to do that with men because of our so-called "pride" hence I feel that women are perfect creature for me to do so :)
            - mysterious creature or entity, they will keep you wonder and wonder no matter how long you have been spend with them, you still wonder why did they do that and that
            - always pleasure to spend with during sitting and gawking at stars and more
            - without women, we will have no little creatures (kids) to give our loves to
            - you know the old saying, "mother know better" that will be always ring true in many situation
            - very eager to listen or share their events
            Some more... will add more if I have anything to add. Right now, my brain isn't in my head


            Edit: Ack, ack I talked too much! :(
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:iolol: most are funny about how men are better than women or women are better than men.

Hmm... Well I'd agree with some of those comments such as some women takes too long to get ready for job or events. Spend a lot of time browsing malls such as GAPS and max out their credit cards. Women doesn't save money in bank while men does :P

Men does good in cooking, and does the dirty work at job than women. Men are brave to do things. Does not take long to get ready for events or job. Men can shave head to bald.

Really both sides pretty much almost equal but then men are a step or two ahead of women :fingersx:
Talking about men.....Ok this one is not just men in general here a few about my Husband

He does pretty good on the toilet seat (I think I finally got him trained to put the seat down):whip:

He is a blanket theif at night.... I always keep an extra blanket on my foot board to cover myself up when he steals my share of the blankets. (Can't train a sleeping dog):rl:.

When he gets sick he is pitiful, he would be like "Baaabby get me a drink. Honey can you do this and that while he is in his recliner. (so helpless):roll:Yeah right....
You make it sound like it's a bad thing.

Ha ha ha, that's good, Cat. I was thinking the same thing when Galaxy said "fishing" and "hunting" stuff are "crap."

They are serious tools for food gathering. (Anyone believe that? Hee hee)
* Women are crazy drivers. They have more accidents then men.

* Women spend way to much time in the bathroom then men.

* Women nag.

* Women look at problems from an emotional viewpoint than logical viewpoint.

* Women have too many choices when it comes to what to wear, how it looks, etc, etc. ( That is why men never get anywhere on time with a woman in tow...)
* Women are crazy drivers. They have more accidents then men.

* Women spend way to much time in the bathroom then men.

* Women nag.

* Women look at problems from an emotional viewpoint than logical viewpoint.

* Women have too many choices when it comes to what to wear, how it looks, etc, etc. ( That is why men never get anywhere on time with a woman in tow...)

Agree! Especially about the nagging and the bathroom.
Ha ha ha, that's good, Cat. I was thinking the same thing when Galaxy said "fishing" and "hunting" stuff are "crap."

They are serious tools for food gathering. (Anyone believe that? Hee hee)

err.. I'm allergic fishing... Glad I'm not part of hunting.. doesn't like "GUNS" anything more discuss w/me.. :D
Anything more challenge ?
* Women are crazy drivers. They have more accidents then men.

* Women spend way to much time in the bathroom then men.

* Women nag.

* Women look at problems from an emotional viewpoint than logical viewpoint.

* Women have too many choices when it comes to what to wear, how it looks, etc, etc. ( That is why men never get anywhere on time with a woman in tow...)

@Men spend time t.v. and drink beers.....
@Men always ask Where's my beef?
@Men always hog and brag!
@Men don't know how clean frigg'n flithy shave hairy all over the sink!

Any more challenge? :D
This thread seems good thread so I am going to give it a shot. Here's my 15 positives for men and 15 negatives for women.

Positives for Men:

*Most of the homes for billions of families was constructed by men.:bowdown:
*Transportation, public and private both, was constructed by men.:bowdown:
*Men knows how to be more honestly with themselves compare to women.
*Men get more $$$ easy.:whip:
*Men don't nag much.
*Men use bathroom shorter and easier for us to share! :D
*Men seems are more logically. (As Byrdie714 said)
*Masculine is on the positive side in the Astrology!:bowdown:
*Men usually are stronger and can do with many things heavy.
*Men are usually good reader.
*Men use less tiolet papers.
*Men are more aggresstive(sp?)
*Men knows how to drive, probably too much.:afro:
*Men usually don't take drinking the alcohol, sex, bars, etc too personal.
*Men knows how to pleasure other men in the homosexual activities.

Negatives for Women:

*Made the bathroom smell worse than men, yucky!:barf:
*Can smell the period easy, eww..:barf:
*Women usually don't understand why men are not interested to shop with them for the women's clothes.:roll:
*It's not fun looking at the bloody period pad in the garbage.:barf:
*Women use too much tiolet papers!
*Too long use the bathroom, difficult for sharing others..
*Being too dependency.
*Femminie are on the negative side in the Astrology! :Ohno:
*Women just love to take the revenge against the men.
*Women usually don't understand how others feel when women was taking too long dressing, making up, fixing the hairs, etc.
*Higher phone bills!
*Women don't know when they would ever step out of the store.
*Women cause the car accident often. (As my personal experiences)
*Mothers usually take the children too personal compare to fathers.

(all of them is when I mean by "some", as due to many times someone took debate with me about the difference by "some" or didn't say "some")

Also, don't take this too personal! I was just making a list for this thread.
Really both sides pretty much almost equal but then men are a step or two ahead of women :fingersx:


Hmm, You're forgetting something. You may think men are a step or two ahead of women BUT, it takes a strong woman to stand behind a man.

What does that tell you? :nana:
Have you ever had to use a guys restroom in public? Yuck!
Smells like pea! Grease all over the dirty sink! And smells
like pea! Guys bathrooms are gross! Womens bathrooms
are all pretty and fluffy and if WE have to fart there, at
least we flush the toilet FIRST so no one can hear our
little dainty farts. At least thats what us hearie women do.
I guess Deaf women would light the match first.
Uhh...this is going to be gross but there are women that don't cover their menstrual pads in the garbage can.

They leave it there for everyone to see!

How do you like going to the toilet and next to the toilet is a garbage can with a maxi-pad laying on top of it?

Can you say....GROSS!
Uhh...this is going to be gross but there are women that don't cover their menstrual pads in the garbage can.

They leave it there for everyone to see!

How do you like going to the toilet and next to the toilet is a garbage can with a maxi-pad laying on top of it?

Can you say....GROSS!

My former roommates used to do that and I would go flying off the handle. It was sick.
Agreed! What is wrong with mothers these days? Why don't
they talk to their daugters about how to properly dispose
of these things?
Uhh...this is going to be gross but there are women that don't cover their menstrual pads in the garbage can.

They leave it there for everyone to see!

How do you like going to the toilet and next to the toilet is a garbage can with a maxi-pad laying on top of it?

Can you say....GROSS!

Ah, don't remind me there. I had to clean the ladies' room at my work, when I was going to pull the trash bag out of the bin, and I discovered a horrible menstrual pads with my own eyes. They change the pad in the public restroom during the business hours. God, please, clear my mind for that. heh
Have you ever had to use a guys restroom in public? Yuck!
Smells like pea! Grease all over the dirty sink! And smells
like pea! Guys bathrooms are gross! Womens bathrooms
are all pretty and fluffy and if WE have to fart there, at
least we flush the toilet FIRST so no one can hear our
little dainty farts. At least thats what us hearie women do.
I guess Deaf women would light the match first.

Ohh really? I was used to work as janitor in the school and I clean both women and men public restrooms, both is messy anyway nothing different between both. Also being honestly, I'd rather to clean the men's restroom only, not women's restroom so that I don't have to deal with their girly's stuff (period). Also believe it or not, the staff's restroom can be worst than other too while the adults (men and women both) tend to be more smelly than the children in the restrooms.

Ah, don't remind me there. I had to clean the ladies' room at my work, when I was going to pull the trash bag out of the bin, and I discovered a horrible menstrual pads with my own eyes. They change the pad in the public restroom during the business hours. God, please, clear my mind for that. heh

:rofl: Yupp same here, I experience that many times when I was a janitor..