Designing A Hearing Baby

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CI gives far from "perfect hearing," even for people like me who had the opportunity to spend a small portion of their lives as hearing. I still rely on closed captions when I watch TV/Movies. I still occasionally ask somebody to repeat what they say. I still sometimes wonder what I heard, and am constantly learning new sounds, new pronunciations, etc.... A CI isn't a magic wand.
Same with a child growing up in a christian family. It will be taught the christian "rules" and that willl be its security blanket, due to indoctrination. But the same child, growing up in an islamic family will love the rules of islam. Same thing - indoctrination.

Only later in life, real choices can be made. A choice to find out about islam for the child growing up under christianity, and reverse. But also the deaf child that grew up with CI. It might want to investigate on deafness. Same for the deaf child that grew up without sound.. it might want to investigate on sound.

Ever heard of honor killing??? Anybody who was raised as a muslim could lose one's life if one try to convert outside Islam.

A child with CI is really in limbo - not quite hearing and not quite deaf.
CI gives far from "perfect hearing," even for people like me who had the opportunity to spend a small portion of their lives as hearing. I still rely on closed captions when I watch TV/Movies. I still occasionally ask somebody to repeat what they say. I still sometimes wonder what I heard, and am constantly learning new sounds, new pronunciations, etc.... A CI isn't a magic wand.

Hence why I'm not comfortable when people call my C.I. a miracle. I love my C.I. but I'm still not hearing even with it. I can understand much of what I hear on the radio but some speakers are hard for me to understand so I don't understand 100% on the radio.
You have so little understanding of what goes into the parental decision to give their child the benefits and opportunities associated with a cochlear implant that it is laughable. To think that parents elect to have surgery on their child to satisfy their needs is patently ridiculous and demonstrates how anti-ci you are.

You just do not get it but for many who elect the implant for their child it is because they understand the value that being able to hear and to speak can have on a person's life. The viewpoint is always from that of the child--what is in the best interests of the child. The fact that you cannot grasp that point does not detract from the intentions that motivate deaf and hearing parents alike to choose an implant for their child.

The viewpoint is always from that of the child????? Since when does a very young child understand what CI is and asked for it????? You are twisting it. In fact, the viewpoint is that of the parents who decided on the CI for the child.
The viewpoint is always from that of the child????? Since when does a very young child understand what CI is and asked for it????? You are twisting it. In fact, the viewpoint is that of the parents who decided on the CI for the child.

Sorry pal, but I have made the decision and you never have, so please do not think that you have any idea what went into our parental decision because you do not. It was, is and always will be from the viewpoint of our child buddy.

And yes, we decided to give our child the benefits and opportunities of the cochlear implant and she is doing great! Unlike those hypocrites who made the decision to deny their child a ci and then hide behind the "let the child decide when he is older" ruse we have glady accepted responsibility for our decision and you know what? Our daughter has thanked us giving her a cochlear implant.

I do not need to "twist" anything pal because my daughter is living and loving proof that you have no idea what you are talking about.
Same with a child growing up in a christian family. It will be taught the christian "rules" and that willl be its security blanket, due to indoctrination. But the same child, growing up in an islamic family will love the rules of islam. Same thing - indoctrination.

Do you believe that, Cloggy ? I don't agree with you about that part. By teachin' the christian " rules " - who says about the rules ? By teachin' the christian " rules " has to come from the heart to form a " spiritual " relationship - a BIG difference from what you teach your child with CI. CI and christian are 2 different things. CI is not a spiritual thing. It's " body " relatin' to the mind, not from the heart. CI is not a " born-again" into somethin'. It borns nothin'.
CI is just for a temporary, not forever. CI is just like a pacemaker to me, it will stop workin' when the battries died. Christian rules... that's another story and it will never die.

Only later in life, real choices can be made. A choice to find out about islam for the child growing up under christianity, and reverse. But also the deaf child that grew up with CI. It might want to investigate on deafness. Same for the deaf child that grew up without sound.. it might want to investigate on sound.

Yeah, yeah but there's STILL a device inside a deaf child's head, if she/or he should remove CI due to his/or her choices in a later life. If, she/or he don't want CI - what do you think he/or she is gonna do with that device inside the head ? :hmm:
Isn't it more like if you are a hearing parent you better agree with the Deaf posters or you will be banned?

:jaw: I can not believe you say this to a moderator...tsk
As far as I can tell the only hearing parent who's been banned was Cloggy and he's only been banned for a day, Rick48.

Now one poster in the cochlear forum forum did get banned recently. She isn't hearing either. I don't think it was because of her pro oralist ways but rather because she tended to flame others. There are other oralists on this forum and they haven't been banned because they're much more civil to others than she was.
No, I still don't think that CI gives perfect hearing. If CI does give perfect hearing, the child wouldn't need any speech therapy ever. The late-deafened adults don't count as they already know how to pronounce before they lost hearing.

wow Good Point!!! I never thought about this... I will remember your word....
Sorry pal, but I have made the decision and you never have, so please do not think that you have any idea what went into our parental decision because you do not. It was, is and always will be from the viewpoint of our child buddy.

And yes, we decided to give our child the benefits and opportunities of the cochlear implant and she is doing great! Unlike those hypocrites who made the decision to deny their child a ci and then hide behind the "let the child decide when he is older" ruse we have glady accepted responsibility for our decision and you know what? Our daughter has thanked us giving her a cochlear implant.

I do not need to "twist" anything pal because my daughter is living and loving proof that you have no idea what you are talking about.

What you think is your own POV and what you beleive is decide for your child is your belief as the same as we have our own POV and think the best for our child´s interest as well.

As what you said that your daughter is happy what you made decision for her. That´s great but we have many CI users who see different. (I am not saying ALL but many).

Many hearing and deaf parents support their child´s wish instead of wait until they are 18 years old then make their own decision because they beleive their child´s wish to be fulfilling. I am one of them. It´s nothing wrong with HA - it can familiar to hear and speech... We only risk our child´s life with any "save life" emergencies.
CI gives far from "perfect hearing," even for people like me who had the opportunity to spend a small portion of their lives as hearing. I still rely on closed captions when I watch TV/Movies. I still occasionally ask somebody to repeat what they say. I still sometimes wonder what I heard, and am constantly learning new sounds, new pronunciations, etc.... A CI isn't a magic wand.

It´s the same with HA as well... Your decription sound similar to many HA users, I know in real life.

Thank you for share your honest post here with us...
Isn't it more like if you are a hearing parent you better agree with the Deaf posters or you will be banned?

Huh? You said this to moderator?

Did you know that Fuzzy is not hearing?
Oops ! I didn't know Cloggy was banned. Gee ... oh, well ---
Huh? You said this to moderator?

Did you know that Fuzzy is not hearing?

You bet I did. Are they Gods? If I think they are wrong and apply a double standard to posters depending upon their views then I am not going to stand by and let them treat people that way. If they are so petty that they think they are above criticisim and I get banned sobeit, it only proves my point.

Yes, I am aware that Fuzzy is not hearing but she is also a strong supporter of cochlear implants for children.

But its not a double standard (very heavy sarcasam noted).

Maybe its the use of smilies in virtually every one of one's posts that prevents one from being banned? (Sarcasam alert)

BTW who are the many ci users you claim agree with you, there are very few and not many.

It's best not to make assumptions based on what you think the reason of them being banned, nobody in here knows the reason, and you're having that wild imagination running in that mind of yours isn't helping anyone or yourself.

Let's not pull this thread off-topic
Last night I went to Deaf professional happy hour and met a lot of new people and many of them grew up with CIs. Some Deaf people who didnt have CIs, including me, were asking them questions about their CIs. Got good info but one thing they all emphasized the importance of having the Deaf community and ASL because it is a special bond regardless how well they can hear with their CIs. I thought that was really cool.

BTW...nobody looked down on them last night. Not one person and there had to be at least 100 Deaf people there.

It is all about supporting each other not about the person's ability to hear or comparing each other's hearing levels.

Too often I see many parents talk about how well the child can hear. Ok great but let's move on. That's how most Deaf people see it...the hearing ability is not the defining trait of the person. Unfortunately, the hearing people put too much focus on that. One situation like that did happen last night. The bartender at the bar kept saying to one person who had a CI that he has heard about the devices and kept asking that person how well he can hear with it. He got fed up with those questions and told the bartender to pls make his drink.

Just was interesting to observe it all and it made me think of the discussions here on AD.
Sorry pal, but I have made the decision and you never have, so please do not think that you have any idea what went into our parental decision because you do not. It was, is and always will be from the viewpoint of our child buddy.

And yes, we decided to give our child the benefits and opportunities of the cochlear implant and she is doing great! Unlike those hypocrites who made the decision to deny their child a ci and then hide behind the "let the child decide when he is older" ruse we have glady accepted responsibility for our decision and you know what? Our daughter has thanked us giving her a cochlear implant.

I do not need to "twist" anything pal because my daughter is living and loving proof that you have no idea what you are talking about.

So, deaf/Deaf adults who have lived as deaf/Deaf children ahve no idea what it is to be deaf/Deaf?

And how dare you call anyone a hypocrite! To claim that your needs wer not the first addressed in your decision is the most hypocritical statement ever made. Of course your needs were the first addressed. YOU needed for your daughter to hear and speak. YOU needed for your daughter to conform to your way of life. YOU needed for your daughter to be part of your hearing world. YOU refused to learn sign language. YOU refused to connect to other deaf who are not oral. YOU needed to restrict your daughter to an oral environment. To say that your needs had no influence on your decisons is self delusional.
Isn't it more like if you are a hearing parent you better agree with the Deaf posters or you will be banned?

Only from your paranoid perspective. How does it feel to be in the minority, rick? Don't like it when others tell you what you should do, how you should think, how you should feel? Congratualtions.....that is something the hearing world does to deaf/Deaf people on a daily basis. Not very comfortable , is it. Makes you angry doesn't it? You have jsut stepped intothe same situation that deaf/Deaf people endure every day of their lives. If you have an ounce of humanity in you, you will use the experience to develop emapthy and understanding of why the daf feel the way they do, why they react to many of the views that hearing hold about deaf the way they do, and why so amny of your psots are utterly offensive to them. But I doubt seriously that you have the isnight to be able to do that.
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