Jealousy Quiz Test..

I got 48. Too old to be jealous. :D

Nah, that what I am indie person that I counted that time. :) I will expect my numbers that will be increase abit when I get into relatoinship with someone.

Hmm, I would to give my future date this test to see what kind of jealous person., hee hee.
My total score is 30! I trust My husband enough. My sec husband is a very good man! but not trusted first former husband.
66 I think a little jealousy is good. But not out of control. When i was dating my ex we were in a club and this guy grabbed my @$$!! I told my ex just as a can you believe that moment. He said, "so what do you want me to do about it?" well i didn't want him to fight but good lord show SOME emotion!!