Ashley's CI surgery

I disagree. I equate it to the hearing aid days when th ekids only got one. How many had one when they were younger, and really wished they could have had a HA for the other ear? I have heard several here say that. Once it is established that the kid is successful with the CI (as a high % of kids are), then the kid,family, audi and ENT will push for the other one. Tests show that bilat hearing is alot easier than unilateral hearing. If the CI kid is getting suficent hearing in a binaural configuration, so be it. But unfortunately, it seems that alot of kids cannot hear binaurally and must go the bil;ateral route. If the kid needs it, and the technology is present, why would you not do it? Especially when the child says they want it?
Ashley's doctor told us her speech and hearing would be better and easier for her to understand with bilateral. She will have an easier time knowing where sounds come from and it will be easier in noisy environments. For school that would be a big plus. From what I am learning from local parents of bilateral kids it makes a world of difference. They all say they wish they would have done it sooner or could have done it at the same time. That was real encouraging to me.
Exactly! I have heard unilateral and bilateral compared to black and white TV and digital HD TV. While it is possible to watch TV with the black and white, the digital HD is a world apart. With Bilat, the brain can automatically block out background noise so the CI user can concentrate on the focus of the noise they want to hear, instead of all the noise they HAVE to hear and filter out the background noises.> blog
This has some good info on it. Had it sent to me on cicircle.
I have a paper copies of a hand out that was passed out during a bilateral/binaural CI forum. If you are interested, I can try to get a copy to you. I do not have access to a scanner, but I can use a fax when I get back to work monday.
I would like some feedback on teaching a visually impaired toddler sign. She is a real challenge. We can get her to pay attention for about 60 seconds or less. She gets disinterested real fast. I want her to learn but her vision has caused us to hit a bump so to speak. Any suggestions?
Where is Hear Again when you need her? I hope she is okay as she's been so quiet.
Hi everyone,

Sorry I've been a stranger. I've been pretty busy lately and had an audi appointment today.

Ashleysmommy: I'm totally blind and learned tactile sign (PSE, SEE and ASL) in 1995. I would be more than happy to give you suggestions as to how you can teach Ashley sign. I'll send you a PM. If others are interested in this information as well, let me know and I'll be happy to post it here. :)
Thanks that would be great. She is a real hand full. She has invented a few of her own but I am trying to teach her a few of the basic signs.
Ashleysmommy: I'm just checking the board to see what kind of discussions have been taking place. Unfortunately, I'm under the weather today but will send you a PM with detailed information (re: suggestions for teaching Ashley tactile sign) very soon. I'm sorry for the delay...
Don't worry about it. Ashley has not been feeling that great for the past couple of days. Take your time. Feel better soon !!! Thanks again.
Actually where is LadyDuke when you need her? Or maybe Rachel Eggert could give some advice.......she's deaf blind too......and she's been deaf blind since birth. I will PM her and direct her to this thread.
Lilysdad and Ashleysmom, Just saying that bilateral implantion might not be as big as everyone's saying. It's really hard to say whether or not it will make a HUGE impact b/c everyone's so indivdual with their usage of hearing devices. That's all..........I do definitly think that they will be common in some subpopulations, but might not be common overall. Too soon to tell. I mean does anyone have solid stats on what percentage of kids don't benifit from hearing aids whatsoever?
Lilysdad and Ashleysmom, Just saying that bilateral implantion might not be as big as everyone's saying. It's really hard to say whether or not it will make a HUGE impact b/c everyone's so indivdual with their usage of hearing devices. That's all..........I do definitly think that they will be common in some subpopulations, but might not be common overall. Too soon to tell. I mean does anyone have solid stats on what percentage of kids don't benifit from hearing aids whatsoever?

Lilysdad and Ashleysmom, Just saying that bilateral implantion might not be as big as everyone's saying. It's really hard to say whether or not it will make a HUGE impact b/c everyone's so indivdual with their usage of hearing devices. That's all..........I do definitly think that they will be common in some subpopulations, but might not be common overall. Too soon to tell. I mean does anyone have solid stats on what percentage of kids don't benifit from hearing aids whatsoever?

*falls asleep*
*snores loudly*
Lilysdad and Ashleysmom, Just saying that bilateral implantion might not be as big as everyone's saying. It's really hard to say whether or not it will make a HUGE impact b/c everyone's so indivdual with their usage of hearing devices. That's all..........I do definitly think that they will be common in some subpopulations, but might not be common overall. Too soon to tell. I mean does anyone have solid stats on what percentage of kids don't benifit from hearing aids whatsoever?

What the percentages are I am not sure. I feel from my own observations that it is growing in popularity. I have talked to more parents who's kids are bilateral users than not. Most that I have talked to wish they had done the second implant sooner or say that they wish it could have been done same time. It is still new for young kids here. Ashley will be the second to get same day bilateral surgery out of her doctors practice. I think second unless she has had a surgery between November and March. I have spoken with the mom that was the first and she only had positive things to say about the outcome so far. In her case and mine hearing aids did no good for our children. That would be something to look into. I am speaking from my own opinions and observations I don't know stats.
Lilysdad and Ashleysmom, Just saying that bilateral implantion might not be as big as everyone's saying. It's really hard to say whether or not it will make a HUGE impact b/c everyone's so indivdual with their usage of hearing devices.
I also thought that before Lotte got her CI.

Now I know.... it's Big... It does make a huge impact

Heh, but that's just my personal experience...