3 Girls Arrested In Videotaped Beating


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Mar 5, 2004
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Video Posted Online Shows Vicious Attack By Trio Of Teenage Girls On 13-Year-Old

A 13-year-old who police say thought she was meeting another teenager to resolve a love triangle was instead dragged by her hair and punched and kicked repeatedly in the head — an attack made very public in a video posted online and broadcast nationwide.

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3 Girls Arrested In Videotaped Beating, Video Posted Online Shows Vicious Attack By Trio Of Teenage Girls On 13-Year-Old - CBS News
So friggin immature! Those teenagers girls need some deep discipline by their parents. All this over a boy? WTF is wrong with teens those days. I remember when my little boy got beaten too by a 9 years old kid by punching and striking him with a hair brush, I was pretty damn furious, I wanted to press charge but in my state laws stated only allow to press charge if the minor is above the age of 10.

If I ever seen a group of teens in a fight, I would step in and break it up, I'm not going to let that continue,
I saw the video on LiveLeak. There's a tremendous appetite for these kind of videos. Much more than the worst of what the FCC controlled television stations can offer these days.

Well...I am not surprised that this happened. I remember about 25 years ago when I was in junior high, two girls got into a physical fight cuz the boy that one of the girls liked told the other girl that he thought she was pretty. Something like that...it is nothing new.
Well...I am not surprised that this happened. I remember about 25 years ago when I was in junior high, two girls got into a physical fight cuz the boy that one of the girls liked told the other girl that he thought she was pretty. Something like that...it is nothing new.
remember 25 yrs ago, no arrested had made. Now they do!!
Sheesh, those giirls who did the beating should be glad I'm not their mother, I would have whip their butts for sure!!...Fighting doesn't solve anything period...
Today: Huge so changed different..
Do you know why... Parent cannot strike or discipline to children or teenagers because of "issue spanking discipline proprite"

Long years ago: Parent can discipline to children or teenagers strictly... behave do well excellence..

Today: CPS OR OTHER AGENCY always taken over anything want to control all the law above.. How Parent will not able strict discipline them?
Look result Teenagers are in huge fight.... Who fault Parent fault Nope...
Teenagers are out of control... so huge difference..

Not same long years ago... I want those back where it was excellence discipline better ways... Parent empower control to children and teenager must learn respect and follow the rules better than cps/other agency... unless not abuse there..

CPS or other agency made decision and all want above the law, reason, if you discipline the child likely eg: spank or other kind.. will apphreading (taken away) your child or teenager away from you... I think this is totally STUPID!

This 3 girl teenagers are out of control and want pleasure beating the teenager girl and include video taping.. Stupid! IMO!
Today: Huge so changed different..
Do you know why... Parent cannot strike or discipline to children or teenagers because of "issue spanking discipline proprite"

Long years ago: Parent can discipline to children or teenagers strictly... behave do well excellence..

Today: CPS OR OTHER AGENCY always taken over anything want to control all the law above.. How Parent will not able strict discipline them?
Look result Teenagers are in huge fight.... Who fault Parent fault Nope...
Teenagers are out of control... so huge difference..

Not same long years ago... I want those back where it was excellence discipline better ways... Parent empower control to children and teenager must learn respect and follow the rules better than cps/other agency... unless not abuse there..

CPS or other agency made decision and all want above the law, reason, if you discipline the child likely eg: spank or other kind.. will apphreading (taken away) your child or teenager away from you... I think this is totally STUPID!

This 3 girl teenagers are out of control and want pleasure beating the teenager girl and include video taping.. Stupid! IMO!
I agree with you GA. I just wish we get our old laws back, so we can discipline our children. but noooo. its very difficult right now. sigh
Oh yeah I agree with you and GalaxyAngel....And some people blame the parents saying we don't discipline our children enough... Hello? how can we when the laws are on our back!
remember 25 yrs ago, no arrested had made. Now they do!!

I think one of the girls' mother contacted the authorities when she found out that her daughter was attacked by that one other girl. It was so long ago so details are vague.

Last I heard (about 9 years ago), that girl who attacked the other girl had a very troubled life as an adult being in and out of prison.

It is still wrong for the girls to do that anyway. Just not surprised that it went too far cuz some people just dont know when to stop.
I find this hilarious "love triangle", Teenagers? Please, they wouldn't know what love was if it bit them on the ass and hog tied them and showed them a flash card. It's all about possession and sex for them until they grow up and mature. I wonder if crap like this happened in the 60s and 70s, frankly it probably has.
GOSH! it make me mad.. geez at those teenagers beat up the girl. The teenagers are so IMMATURE! Glad they got an arrested to make learn their lesson! as I hope so. I cant believe it that they beat it up with the girl.

Yeah I agreed with GalaxyAngelz.
I havent hear anything yet. When I found out more Ill post it. It is only 30 mins from my hometown. poor girls, parents and friends!!
WTF!? What the hell is wrong with these kids?

Those little bitches deserved to be arrested!
I'm not surprised really how kids are these days. Even young women. Its getting crazy more & more everday