cochlear implant opinons


Active Member
Oct 2, 2004
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If you are against Cochlear Implant... why?

If you are supporting Cochlear Implant... why?

see im doing research on that for college homework. im supposed to find 7 articles on both support and against on Cochlear implant with children. i do not have much luck so far to find good ones. so i need your feedback and maybe find me an article or something. Thank you. Appeciate it.

and no agruement here please? this is for research not for your debate against each other. If you want to agrue with one person trying to convince to change that person's mind do it in other thread not this one. i need opinions and the hard cold facts to back it up. Thats all i ask. thank you.
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I'm neutral but not start debate with CI.

For my opinion, there's pros and cons.

It's good for people who is severe and profound hearing loss, and none of benefit with hearing aids, totally different from hearing aids, children are able to hear and using oral language unless take speech therapy about every weeks. No molds required and it's good for people who have problem with pimple or zits in ears, that interfere with molds. CI is efficient sounds and none of them are cause head ache or pain in ears.

It's required to surgery, even more hassle and stress after surgery is done. Some cases got no benefit with CI due collapsed in nerves. It's not good to implant on babies and toddlers and supposed to more support on children's decide. Some children are upset with CI due limited activities. It's required to mapping the device and seems more annoying, and some people need take mapping again after device is messed up or interfere with objects like playground. CI isn't full safe with MRI but limited with magnet removed for users with Freedom. Limited activities like cannot attend WWE training, UFC, rugby and few other sports.
I support CI, especially in children. As research shows, ( I do not know all of the medical terms) the neuropathways that are vital for speech perception are pretty much formed in the human brain by the age of 5. I know there can be some speech perception for those that did not have speech as a child, but if the speech is not there at a young age, the % of successful speech discrimination is much higher if implanted at a young age. So, the younger the better.
Another reason for supporting CI in young children kind of expands on the above paragraph. If a child is successfully implanted (the eligibility screening process eliminates ALMOST all of those that will not benifit from implantation), the chances of the child being able to almost fully integrate into the hearing world are much, much higher than if not implanted. Are there people that recieve a CI and not get a benifit? of course. But if someone is eligible for a CI, wouldnt they have to get little or no benifit from hearing aids?
To prevent the loss of what little natural hearing a person may have, unless there is a malformation of the cochlea, the implant is usually placed in the ear with the least amount of natural hearing.
Another advantage, if a person is implanted at a young age, when older, if they chose that they do not want to use the CI any longer, all they have to do is take it off. If they are really wanting to get rid of it, they can have it surgically removed. Even after doing this, they have still gained the benifit of years of hearing and understanding speech. When they quit using the CI, they would probably have a better capability of lip reading.
A recent thread stated that researchers are now discovering that some people that have had a CI are retaining a portion of thier natural hearing. While not enough to understand speech, but enough to hear environmenal noises.
While there are some drawbacks of CI such as ESD(electro static discharge), these hazards can be overcome by very simple means and a little bit of foresight such as removing the processor before using a plastic slide, or spraying static guard on rugs.
Until recently, you could not get a CI wet. But the latest technological advancement have made it possible to wear a CI in the rain and in a sprinkler. You still cannot go swimming with a CI. But it is a step in the right direction.

Sorry, I could go on for a while longer, but I have to play with Lilly.
i cant judge because i ve never wore one and perfer not to wear one since i m only half deaf so it doesnt make any point for me
honestly all you have to do is search thrugh the threads in this area - there are TONS of topics that debate the pros and cons of CI's
I'm only against Cochlear Implant on children, my reasons are simple, Cochlear implant is a choice, a person who wants to have one should be the one who should decide to have one, I don't believe in parents rights to make that choice because they're not the ones that wearing it, the children would be the one who's wearing it, and the choice should be upon them alone.

Because, the surgery is not life-saving, it's only decision that made by parents wishing the child to be "normal" or "hear better" Some hearing parents delaying on learning sign language or even teach their children sign language because it was not even needed, but the child is deaf without CI, Why can't the parents understand their child, where their child came from, how they were born, they were born with hearing loss, should the child be learning sign language, learn about the deaf culture, instead of living life as a normal child, with no knowledge about their true self. I have not yet to meet a parent with a child who has a CI involving with the deaf community, or know any sign language. It's more like shutting the child out from the deaf community and opening the doors to the real word, (hearing world) only. That's not right, because it's not about them, it's about their child who is deaf without CI, CI is only a tool to help the child to hear better than what they used to hear with hearing aids, but it doesn't change the fact that the parents should shut the doors on the deaf community because now that their child has a CI.

That is what I strongly disagree here, I've watched the movie "Sound and Fury" not even ONE CI CHILD knows any sign language not one. What does that tell me? It tells me that how selfish some hearing parents can be. It's more on them rejecting the deaf community than it is with the deaf community rejectingly those with CI, I'm telling you, I haven't seen at least one child with CI at any deaf events in my hometown and that's sad if you ask me.
see im doing research on that for college homework. im supposed to find 7 articles on both support and against on Cochlear implant with children. i do not have much luck so far to find good ones. so i need your feedback and maybe find me an article or something. Thank you. Appeciate it.

Which search engines have you tried for your articles. You really can't get opinions from people here and say it's your research since you can't give the name of a paper and the author.

There was a recent article from a AZ news paper I believe and perhaps someone has the links for papers on early implantation and language. Good luck with your paper. Maybe after I get some sleep I'll look around and see if I can find the articles I'm thinking of.
Which search engines have you tried for your articles. You really can't get opinions from people here and say it's your research since you can't give the name of a paper and the author.

There was a recent article from a AZ news paper I believe and perhaps someone has the links for papers on early implantation and language. Good luck with your paper. Maybe after I get some sleep I'll look around and see if I can find the articles I'm thinking of.

right. i used google engine but they gave me such small articles and most of it is medical facts heh . not results not something im looking for. See my opinon is to have cochlear implants among deaf people who wants it simply to enjoy the beniefts to hear something... not among deaf people who wants to be hearing by miracle or children who never made a choice. i also used ohiolink. again very few resources i wanted. so im looking for a "point" into the right direction.
That is what I strongly disagree here, I've watched the movie "Sound and Fury" not even ONE CI CHILD knows any sign language not one. What does that tell me? It tells me that how selfish some hearing parents can be. It's more on them rejecting the deaf community than it is with the deaf community rejectingly those with CI, I'm telling you, I haven't seen at least one child with CI at any deaf events in my hometown and that's sad if you ask me.

Not one child in that movie, perhaps, but you only have to read some of the threads here to see that many children with CIs do sign. Cloggy's daughter and LillysDad's daughter, for instance.
Not one child in that movie, perhaps, but you only have to read some of the threads here to see that many children with CIs do sign. Cloggy's daughter and LillysDad's daughter, for instance.

Oh I have, I was speaking about the movie itself, and real life not members here at AD that I have not met in person real life. ;)
................. I've watched the movie "Sound and Fury" not even ONE CI CHILD knows any sign language not one. What does that tell me? It tells me that how selfish some hearing parents can be. It's more on them rejecting the deaf community than it is with the deaf community rejectingly those with CI, I'm telling you, I haven't seen at least one child with CI at any deaf events in my hometown and that's sad if you ask me.
In Sound and Fury they show a deaf girl that has chose CI that uses sign. (The first child the family visits)
The other child (Shelby) does not know sign. She has hearing parents, hearing family and was implanted at 1 year of age... Why should she know sign? She communicates without problems with her relatives. LAter in life, she might want to investigate deafness. At the moment she is in total communication with her family.

Regarding seeing CI-children at deaf events.... why would they be there..??
These children would have to get there with their parents. There have been very negative experiences of parents going to Deaf events. This might not be the general attitude, but the feeling of negativity is still there. The parents might not be able to communicate using sign. The deaf people might not communicate using speech.

You must remember the reaction towards the parents in Sound and Fury at the deaf event... The mother was called "a bad mother" and in general there were many attacks on these parents..... who spoke fluent sign....
Soon cochlear implants will be gone to the history books as new treatments are coming up to replace it.

I serve on a local university hospital's stem cell ad hoc committee and we are seeing promising results from stem cell treatments on veterans from the Iraq war who lost their hearing there.

Soon cochlear implants will be gone to the history books as new treatments are coming up to replace it.

I serve on a local university hospital's stem cell ad hoc committee and we are seeing promising results from stem cell treatments on veterans from the Iraq war who lost their hearing there.

That would be great!!

But then... if parents of children diagnosed deaf would wait for the technology to become available, their children would not learn to hear and speak. Then, when the technology is available, valuable time would have been lost... they woud hear, but the brain would not be prepared for it, and the result would be limited.
Ergo.... one cannot wait for this technology, parents cannot afford it.

But when it does become available, that would be great. Especially in combination with early detection, it might be fabulous....
(Still, Deaf culture might argue that it's up to the child to decide..... so you'll have to wait 10 years...)
In Sound and Fury they show a deaf girl that has chose CI that uses sign. (The first child the family visits)....

Oh that's correct, I totally forgot about that first family that Heather visited. My bad. ;)
Oh that's correct, I totally forgot about that first family that Heather visited. My bad. ;)
Otherwise you're correct.
They show an oral-oriented school with "CI-children". They could also have shown schools where CI-children are using sign as well.
Because obviously Heather can't communicate with the "CI-kids" and feels left out. In the sign-school, she'd obviously could communicate and feels totally in..
Also the two families she visites are two extremes of the spectrum. Deaf with CI and All-hearing with CI.
Our family falls in between these two extremes.... And you're welcome to visit :)
In Sound and Fury they show a deaf girl that has chose CI that uses sign. (The first child the family visits)
The other child (Shelby) does not know sign. She has hearing parents, hearing family and was implanted at 1 year of age... Why should she know sign? She communicates without problems with her relatives. LAter in life, she might want to investigate deafness. At the moment she is in total communication with her family.

Regarding seeing CI-children at deaf events.... why would they be there..??
These children would have to get there with their parents. There have been very negative experiences of parents going to Deaf events. This might not be the general attitude, but the feeling of negativity is still there. The parents might not be able to communicate using sign. The deaf people might not communicate using speech.

You must remember the reaction towards the parents in Sound and Fury at the deaf event... The mother was called "a bad mother" and in general there were many attacks on these parents..... who spoke fluent sign

Well, I saw many hearing parents learn sign for their deaf, HOH and CI children. Why can't Shelby's parents do the same, then? I felt that Selby's parent shut deaf community and want Shelby consider hearing world. I don't think her parents let Shelby focus her deafness and deaf community... I can tell from their character.

Many deaf parents let their hearing children to have both deaf and hearing worlds because they beleive their children grow to understand the both worlds. I would consider selfish if I shut hearing world to make my children to consider my world. No way, I let them accept both worlds because my children are hearing and we are deaf.

CI girl of deaf parents look happier than Selby... Why? because it's her who choose to have CI and happy with it. She willing to learn anything because she want to. You can tell the difference between CI girl of deaf parents and Shelby of hearing parents.
Well, I saw many hearing parents learn sign for their deaf, HOH and CI children. Why can't Shelby's parents do the same, then? I felt that Selby's parent shut deaf community and want Shelby consider hearing world. I don't think her parents let Shelby focus her deafness and deaf community... I can tell from their character.
My guess is that their child was so young that sign was not established, so communication is orally only.
I agree that the parents do not focus on deaf community, but that does not mean they shut it out. They just do not have contact with deaf community.
And why should they? They, nor Shelby needs deaf community.
Many deaf parents let their hearing children to have both deaf and hearing worlds because they beleive their children grow to understand the both worlds. I would consider selfish if I shut hearing world to make my children to consider my world. No way, I let them accept both worlds because my children are hearing and we are deaf.
I agree, however, it's easier not to get in contact with the deaf world than ignoring the hearing world.
Again, Shelbies parents do not see a need at this moment, and will focus on speech. I do believe that if Shelby want's to explore deafness, that the parents will helpe her there - at least, that would be the thing to do. Preventing a child to explore further would be totally wrong.
CI girl of deaf parents look happier than Selby... Why? because it's her who choose to have CI and happy with it. She willing to learn anything because she want to. You can tell the difference between CI girl of deaf parents and Shelby of hearing parents.
But her speech was pretty bad. She is still among deaf friends, deaf family, so the exposure is restricted. By choice, coincidence.
Shelby has no feeling about being happy or not with CI. CI is part of her. It's her way of life. She hears when it's on... It's silent when she takes it off.
It's part of her.
The girl of deaf parents was so happy because she could hear (being deaf, but hear), compared to being deaf-hearing nothing. She has a reference!! Shelby has no reference....
I am personally agaist CI in children. While neuropathways for language development are formed by age 5, the pathways usually activated by auditory language will also adapt and become activated by visual language. As long as language exposure is constant, the same pathways will achieve language acquisition in either mode. The key is early and consistent input.

CI should be a choice of the d/hh individual. When hearing parents implant a child in an attempt to make that child more similar to themselves and the majority culture, the message is communicated to the child that unless they behave as hearing, and communicate as hearing, they are inferior as a person. I do not object to anyone of adult, or even late teen aged, years choosing a CI. I do however, object to major surgery, unless it is of a life saving nature, being chosen for another without their express consent.