Problem with Sam's behavior


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Jun 4, 2004
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Hi there....I'm wondering if anyone has the same problem and successfully teach your dog to stop doing that. Once he gets on the bed, he acts like he's the boss and he would grrr and bark at me or Sweetheart and refuses to listen to us to tell him to get off the bed. I don't think he's trained to stay off the bed when commanded. He just acts like he's the king of the hill like wild canines do. I don't know what I should do to teach him that I'm the boss, not him. In general, he listens to me when I call him or listen to me telling him no, except he won't listen when he's on the bed.
I remember this guy spray something on the furniture and the pets wont go near it. I forgot what it is called.
JUST PUT DOG IN CAGE then he know boss person is YOU!
JUST PUT DOG IN CAGE then he know boss person is YOU!

cage? you re being ridicous no not carge too harsh for that i suggest punishment of some sort there re various ways spanking or saying "no" or put him in corner that helps sometimes i grew up with 4 dogs i ve seen my dad train dogs so just giving advice what my dad would do they re very friendly dogs and well trained
Hi there....I'm wondering if anyone has the same problem and successfully teach your dog to stop doing that. Once he gets on the bed, he acts like he's the boss and he would grrr and bark at me or Sweetheart and refuses to listen to us to tell him to get off the bed. I don't think he's trained to stay off the bed when commanded. He just acts like he's the king of the hill like wild canines do. I don't know what I should do to teach him that I'm the boss, not him. In general, he listens to me when I call him or listen to me telling him no, except he won't listen when he's on the bed.

The words in bold....meaning I asked for advice from someone on Alldeaf who has the experience, not asking for non-experienced stuff that suggest a web site or similar. I want a straight up advice from a dog owner who has the same experience.


P.S. Bad idea to put dog in a cage for that. It's only for training purposes like going bathroom, etc.
Hi there....I'm wondering if anyone has the same problem and successfully teach your dog to stop doing that. Once he gets on the bed, he acts like he's the boss and he would grrr and bark at me or Sweetheart and refuses to listen to us to tell him to get off the bed. I don't think he's trained to stay off the bed when commanded. He just acts like he's the king of the hill like wild canines do. I don't know what I should do to teach him that I'm the boss, not him. In general, he listens to me when I call him or listen to me telling him no, except he won't listen when he's on the bed.

The words in bold....meaning I asked for advice from someone on Alldeaf who has the experience, not asking for non-experienced stuff that suggest a web site or similar. I want a straight up advice from a dog owner who has the same experience.


P.S. Bad idea to put dog in a cage for that. It's only for training purposes like going bathroom, etc.
ok i didnt own an dog myself but my parents did they successfully trained their dogs i watched them so my suggestion is either spanking not hard jsut light enough for the dog to obey and know that y ou mean it or take him out of the bed and say no! be firm they re like kids you ll have tobe firm sometimes
I never had that problem before. It is still a good idea to send an e-mail to Cesar and see what he has to say also AllDeaf readers can give you feedback too.
ok i didnt own an dog myself but my parents did they successfully trained their dogs i watched them so my suggestion is either spanking not hard jsut light enough for the dog to obey and know that y ou mean it or take him out of the bed and say no! be firm they re like kids you ll have tobe firm sometimes

He will not listen when he's on the bed, basically. Saying no or telling him to get off bed will not work. I learned that saying no to him BEFORE he jumps on the bed works or spraying a nozzle of water at him before he gets on the bed also works. I think he's getting it now. He's finally sleeping on the floor right now. It will take some time to get him with the habit on the floor without being commanded.
I never had that problem before. It is still a good idea to send an e-mail to Cesar and see what he has to say also AllDeaf readers can give you feedback too.

I already read their site and says Cesar won't be here to respond e-mails about the issues. This is my thread, not yours.

Thank you.
I already read their site and says Cesar won't be here to respond e-mails about the issues. This is my thread, not yours.

Thank you.

Hey, I am just giving you suggestions from my bookmarked favorite websites and I didn't hijack your thread if you will go back and re-read what I said then you will see I didn't do anything wrong. I am sure it is annonying to have your dog growl at you and refuse to get off the bed so be open to what people are giving you suggestions okay, man ?

Sam is spoiled already! I guess he loves your bed. Spraying at the dog is not a great idea. Same for the Crate too. Use only for pee and poo poo. Command (with a firm voice) him to get off the bed .. or throw his ball or even cookies to the floor. Good luck. Sam loves you and ... your bed too! Growl ..... :P
Sam is spoiled already! I guess he loves your bed. Spraying at the dog is not a great idea. Same for the Crate too. Use only for pee and poo poo. Command (with a firm voice) him to get off the bed .. or throw his ball or even cookies to the floor. Good luck. Sam loves you and ... your bed too! Growl ..... :P

Mostly I say no to him before he plans to jump on the bed. I spray if he isn't listening. The animal shelter even suggested to's better than hitting your dog. Rats even respond to the spraying too. He's finally getting the idea. He sure learns pretty quickly.

Thanks for the advice, though.
Mostly I say no to him before he plans to jump on the bed. I spray if he isn't listening. The animal shelter even suggested to's better than hitting your dog. Rats even respond to the spraying too. He's finally getting the idea. He sure learns pretty quickly.

Thanks for the advice, though.

Great ... not directly to his eyes .. lol Good I do that to one of my cats Monet. Monet hates it! My other cat Renoir loves it .. sheeesh. I hate to do that but a last resort for her!
Mostly I say no to him before he plans to jump on the bed. I spray if he isn't listening. The animal shelter even suggested to's better than hitting your dog. Rats even respond to the spraying too. He's finally getting the idea. He sure learns pretty quickly.

Thanks for the advice, though.

Yayayayaya keep going to make sure your dog Sam to get off on your bed lol :lol:
I own a dog too :)

Seq, and sweetheart, My dog often sleep on our **king size bed** but We both often tell him "Get down" he will get down..
Your dog has to know WHO IS the dominate (spell for leader of the pack!?!?!?) YOU and sweetheart are Leader of pack. He has to respect.. but It takes a while, Find a spot for him to sleep on.. but be sure if you can.. Use a firm voice.. very firm Not angry not hyper voice but deep voice saying "get down" then when He get down, and tell him *good boy* lots of time when you praise your pets, they will listen you better, After they listen to you, always praise them.. Sorry if I butt in with wrong idea of giving advices...

How old is the dog?

When we first brought our dogs home, we crated them at night. This allowed us to generally train them. We were able to teach them where they were to go potty, and also, where it was acceptable to sleep. Amongst other things.

If you don't want to crate them, you can get a doggie pillow, and show your dog this is where he sleeps. Put the dog pillow near your bed, so it's familiar to him. Lead him to the bed, and have him lay down . Reward him if he stays there. You can use treats for reward, or use verbal praise (or a combo of the two). BE PERSISTENT!

If this doesn't work, you may want to consult a professional. But, I agree that simple training might do the trick. Also, the younger the dog is; the more likely it is, you'll have success.

Good luck!
put a jalapeno in dog's "butt", and he would love you more afterwards.
I have 4 dogs ( 2 adults & 2 puppies ) and I let them to sleep on " used " couch. They also have their own " doggie " pillows, large ones the better to fit and sleep on. Makes them feel comfortable like a " home ". :)
Thanks everyone for the advice. I appreciate it. I will try those tricks. He does need a dog bed because we don't have one.