What are you doing right now? Part II

I just bought a huge mirror at an antique store. Their prices are so ridiculously good. It only cost me $59. And I didn't plan on it, but the paint is a perfect match to the nightstand table I bought from the same store some 6 months ago. I'll take a pic later and upload it.
I just bought a huge mirror at an antique store. Their prices are so ridiculously good. It only cost me $59. And I didn't plan on it, but the paint is a perfect match to the nightstand table I bought from the same store some 6 months ago. I'll take a pic later and upload it.
I hope you show up in front of the mirror. ;)
I am watching the playoff game Detroit Lions vs Seattle Seahawks
It looks like hell but it's good. Razor clams are good too. That's why if SHTF I'm heading out to the Pacific Coast. All you can eat buffet. Not many people. :afro:
Sunday morning..coffee, will work on lesson plans soon.
wish my doggie would eat some veggies!...I do give her Pumpkin once in awhile...but veggies?...Nope, won't touch 'em, or even dog food....She will smell it and give me a look..."Really now?"....I'm not eating this!!...Tried them all, even FreshPet...oh well...she's healthy (the Vet said).

My doggie is on a diet , 1/2 cup of green beans and 1/2 cup dog food is recommended. She eats anything as long as its food.
My doggie is on a diet , 1/2 cup of green beans and 1/2 cup dog food is recommended. She eats anything as long as its food.
That's a Bull Dog for you!...LOL...Pomeranians..not so much. She's finky & skittish...
My doggie is on a diet , 1/2 cup of green beans and 1/2 cup dog food is recommended. She eats anything as long as its food.
You are lucky! Did you have to wrap the green beans in bacon for Miss. PorkChop? :)
Making a pot of stew for some overnight guests. I feel fortunate not to live in their area, the weather is having a tantrum.
Making albóndigas ( meatball soup) nice on this rainy winter day. With flour tortillas mmmmmm