A Thread About Absolutely Nothing! Part III

There are Kosher marshmallows too , I can eat sugar anymore so none for me. I liked mine like #2
I choreographed a Zumba routine Fireball by Pitbull. Nailed it ! Took me a couple of days to get it down right.
Thank you for loving me.

That's the sing I was listening to. Bon jovi.
Just read where Richard Simmons is now transitioning to a female...named "Fiona"...at 67 years old....I didn't red it in the Enquirer...LOL...gonna goggle it (Snopes)

Just read where Richard Simmons is now transitioning to a female...named "Fiona"...at 67 years old....I didn't red it in the Enquirer...LOL...gonna goggle it (Snopes)

I saw a "headline" on FB saying that he is NOT transitioning.

Yikes. Though I suspect with Richard Simmons those 'rumors' may have been swirling for years. Just as bad is the rumor that Jenner is de-transitioning- she isn't (and yes that is a real thing and many have done it).

Gotta love the media... not. lol.

His reps are denying it.
Trenches around our buildings are being filled in. Kitty not happy with all the noise and shadows (blinds are closed). He was under my bed when I got home from my morning routine. He's laying next to me now.
Trenches around our buildings are being filled in. Kitty not happy with all the noise and shadows (blinds are closed). He was under my bed when I got home from my morning routine. He's laying next to me now.
Aww, poor kitty!
Bad news at work recently. Good friend left for a great job, and now a few more people let go.