How are you feeling today?....

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Dude here give me good advice, get a hang on depression fore you go look'n for friends.
These electronic cigs aren't doing much for my nerves....loaded up on bubble gum and blowing bubbles all hacking smoker's cough for several days tho'.....Gonna put a sign up on my door.....Absolutely No Smoking!...and my pix of Smith & Wesson below it....
Wirelessly posted

I am feeling loved by mio amor bec he sent me a pic of himself wearing his Celtics t- shirt. He made my day!
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I am feeling better, my church/ Zumba colleague and me are fasting for me to get a phlebotomist job:)
I feel great! 2nd day of holiday down at the Abbey Beach Resort in Busselton in South-West Australia. Did a bit of touristy stuff in the morning, then lunch at a local microbrewery, swim in the pool and workout at the hotel Gym in the evening, now a few beers and a bottle of wine in front of the TV with the wife!
More of this tomorrow hopefully, God I needed a break...
PLUS..... got interviewed by the 7 Network about what Valentines Day means to me and my wife :)
Today was a Good Day...
feel awful had head ache sunday i had 3hr train ride sunday felt migraine coming on pain gone but feel washed out
Day 2 of a low grade migraine. Everything currently has a green tint.
:aw:sorry to read you have a bad cold, Botte!
hub had a bad cold or flu last week and many others around are sick; i feel kinda yucky too.
I didn't want to hijack Bott's post so I'm adding in... I'm feeling a bit torn or sad because I'm trying to think about my <lack of> job situation and if I should go back to school. My resume has a huge gap of jobless-ness on it and is quite outdated. I'm trying to see how I could be more employable and what skills I have. Am looking for something part-time but have no experience in food service, retail or office stuff. My LD affects issues in all those areas, which I worry about because I've been fired from jobs due to LD. Have looked at whether there are any openings at animal shelters and that's a possibility, but am also wondering about enrolling in an ITP. My mom offered to help financially with that.
So I'm pondering these things.
I didn't want to hijack Bott's post so I'm adding in... I'm feeling a bit torn or sad because I'm trying to think about my <lack of> job situation and if I should go back to school. My resume has a huge gap of jobless-ness on it and is quite outdated. I'm trying to see how I could be more employable and what skills I have. Am looking for something part-time but have no experience in food service, retail or office stuff. My LD affects issues in all those areas, which I worry about because I've been fired from jobs due to LD. Have looked at whether there are any openings at animal shelters and that's a possibility, but am also wondering about enrolling in an ITP. My mom offered to help financially with that.
So I'm pondering these things.

My input is pursue the animal shelter as that is where your heart lies.

Also, they often have opening as many people find it stressful being there as some animals are put down.
I didn't want to hijack Bott's post so I'm adding in... I'm feeling a bit torn or sad because I'm trying to think about my <lack of> job situation and if I should go back to school. My resume has a huge gap of jobless-ness on it and is quite outdated. I'm trying to see how I could be more employable and what skills I have. Am looking for something part-time but have no experience in food service, retail or office stuff. My LD affects issues in all those areas, which I worry about because I've been fired from jobs due to LD. Have looked at whether there are any openings at animal shelters and that's a possibility, but am also wondering about enrolling in an ITP. My mom offered to help financially with that.
So I'm pondering these things.

Have you contacted temp agencies? Sometimes that will give you opportunities to learn new skills (in the past I've known some to actually let you learn some computer skills in their office). Plus it will give you opportunities to work and possibly find a perm job.
:ty:Bott and LoveBlue,

Bott, I'm working on completing the requirements for an official <paid>training position at the shelter. You made a very perceptive observation about my first love, which is dogs and dog training:)

LoveBlue, I hadn't thought about that. hmmm
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