Gun Expert Lott: Let Teachers Carry Arms, Ban Gun-Free Zones to Halt Mass Shootings

Would it surprise you that the facts actually prove your assumption incorrect?

Less people get killed when someone is armed to fight back. Did you realize this? More people get killed when no one is armed.

The Facts about Mass Shootings - John Fund - National Review Online

No one is going say that my assumption is incorrect and it is extremely possible that worst chaos occur if schools are heavily armed.

The article that you posted is right wing and conservative, so not going agree with article that you posted.
Then you would still have a problem with a teacher carrying even if they had been trained?


I have a big problem with teachers carrying guns. it's not a conducive environment to be in for children and I do not trust teachers to make such a lethal decision during chaos. they are teachers.... not Secret Service or SWAT. these law enforcement professionals train everyday under fire... teachers do not.

and we expect teachers to perform their job over statistically rare incident? how disturbing and extremely frightening. I don't know which one is worse.... children killed by deranged gunman or accidentally killed by their own teacher?

good job on giving Brady Campaign a powerful ammunition to destroy our fragile Amendment Two rights.
So .. having them get shot by a lunatic is more preferable to you ?

because that, sadly, is the only alternative you are left with.

better than getting shot by children's own teacher.
Would it surprise you that the facts actually prove your assumption incorrect?

Less people get killed when someone is armed to fight back. Did you realize this? More people get killed when no one is armed.

The Facts about Mass Shootings - John Fund - National Review Online

um..... nothing in your article disproved foxrac's assumption. in fact - nothing in the article proved you right. it, in fact, proved that your assumption is a knee-jerk reaction.

from your article -
Incidents of mass murder in the U.S. declined from 42 in the 1990s to 26 in the first decade of this century.

The chances of being killed in a mass shooting are about what they are for being struck by lightning.

All of the other theaters allowed the approximately 4 percent of Colorado adults who have a concealed-handgun permit to enter with their weapons.

and the article is missing one key point. John Fund could not even produce a fact where CCW holder has saved the world from massacre.
better than getting shot by children's own teacher.

So a lunatic can kill 50-100 kids ... teacher shoots the lunatic and one child and saves 50-100 kids?

You are one twisted little ....

you would much rather leave children and adults defenseless from an onslaught ....? Okay... then turn in your permit and never touch a firearm again.
So a lunatic can kill 50-100 kids ... teacher shoots the lunatic and one child and saves 50-100 kids?

You are one twisted little ....

50-100 kids? never happened in here. in case you didn't know... this is not Norway.

and I'm gravely concerned for our future if a teacher accidentally shoot a kid. you and I know very well what would happen if that happened. you think knee-jerk. I think long-term. and a sensible realistic one.
50-100 kids? never happened in here. in case you didn't know... this is not Norway.

In case you didn't know, Norway and Connecticut had one thing in common - nobody was armed to stop the onslaught ... because of people like YOU that support legislation to disarm them.

I am so glad you feel that YOU can have a permit but not THEM ...

Your "long term" thinking has gotten a large number of people killed. For too long. Gun free safety zones have got to go. NOW!

No more BS invisible safety zones. They are slaughter zones because the responsible adults in charge of children are defenseless.
In case you didn't know, Norway and Connecticut had one thing in common - nobody was armed to stop the onslaught ... because of people like YOU that support legislation to disarm them.

I am so glad you feel that YOU can have a permit but not THEM ...

No, Norway don't have CCW and OC, but Connecticut has CCW and OC, so the gun politic is pretty moderate, even my view about gun is moderate.

It is people who make choice to not get a license, not become armed and not take a train because it is totally optional for people to be armed.

The guns are pretty personal choice for civilians and the guns aren't teacher's job.
Your "long term" thinking has gotten a large number of people killed. For too long. Gun free safety zones have got to go. NOW!

No more BS invisible safety zones. They are slaughter zones because the responsible adults in charge of children are defenseless.

Sorry, that's not going happen in anytime.

You can't force all people to be armed, though.
In case you didn't know, Norway and Connecticut had one thing in common - nobody was armed to stop the onslaught ...

Both Norway and Connecticut have one thing in common - an extremely rare incident.

because of people like YOU that support legislation to disarm them.

I am so glad you feel that YOU can have a permit but not THEM ...
since you seem to claim to have a mastery of English language... then explain to me how exactly do I support anti-gun legislation when in fact I have a CCW permit?

and let's focus on the issue, shall we? not personal attack. focus focus focus.

so why don't we talk about what happened at Tucson Shooting? I mean... a Senator was shot in the head along with federal judge, politicians, and government staffs???? in middle of dozens of armed guards with police officers, state police, K9, etc.???

this proves my case - there's nothing you can do about it if there is a deranged mentally-ill person out there with ill intention to cause harm. banning gun nor arming Joe the Plumber can prevent a massacre. thankfully enough.... a massacre is rare.
Oh ... so many more of these so called "knee jerk" reactions ... :roll:

Time to Arm Teachers « Blount County (BC) Public Record

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14 Dec 12
Time to Arm Teachers
In Government Regulations, Police State, Tennessee Constitution, US Constitution

Letter from Robert Gosnell to Governor and Tennessee General Assembly
Dear Governor Haslam and Legislators,

Once again, because of unconstitutional gun restrictions, innocent children have been slaughtered by an armed nut case. I’m willing to bet that the SOB was under the influence of psychotropic drugs and/or psychiatric mind control; not unlike Timothy McVeigh, the cinema shooter in Colorado, and the maniac who shot the judge and representative Giffords in Tucson, AZ .

The federal government is hell bent upon disarming all citizens of the USA; in violation of the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution for the United States of America.

Mark my words…the federal government is way out of control; the American Dream has become a virtual nightmare, the melting pot has become a cesspool, the Republic has devolved into a despotic democratic oligarchy of elitist globalists who conspire to bring America to her knees, impoverish her citizens, and terminate our sacred sovereignty.

The Tennessee General Assembly must seriously consider lawfully allowing the staff of all schools and universities to arm themselves for protection of their students and themselves. To do otherwise is foolhardy.

Guns are not the problem; but unarmed citizens faced by a crazed genocidal maniac are all doomed to die.

Enough is enough…it’s time to pass legislation to prevent the ongoing slaughter!


Robert Allan Gosnell
Lake City, Tennessee
a loyal Navy veteran
member: Oath Keepers

Comment: States aren’t innocent either, passing very restrictive gun carry bills. That’s why I think Mr. Gosnell’s letter is excellent and timely. The General Assembly should address this in January, not May or 10 years from now or never.

Both Norway and Connecticut have one thing in common - an extremely rare incident.

since you seem to claim to have a mastery of English language... then explain to me how exactly do I support anti-gun legislation when in fact I have a CCW permit?

and let's focus on the issue, shall we? not personal attack. focus focus focus.

so why don't we talk about what happened at Tucson Shooting? I mean... a Senator was shot in the head along with federal judge, politicians, and government staffs???? in middle of dozens of armed guards with police officers, state police, K9, etc.??? And they prevented a "mass shooting" 6 people died, not 26, not 77, not 39, not 40 ...

this proves my case - there's nothing you can do about it if there is a deranged mentally-ill person out there with ill intention to cause harm. banning gun nor arming Joe the Plumber can prevent a massacre. thankfully enough.... a massacre is rare.

Here is the "mastery" part you overlooked.

I was talking about "mass shootings". Get it now? The number of casualties in "mass shootings" are much higher when someone is armed to stop the shooter.

Your lone individual, and example, out of the plethora of "mass shootings" that have been recurring in our nation, in gun free zones, is not even close to a "mass shooting".

Focus ... focus .... focus ... not hocus pocus .. capische? This will be the very last attempt I will point out your flawed logic. You will continue to incorrectly think you are correct.

the only thing you have proven is that you cannot grasp what a mass shooting is.
Here is the "mastery" part you overlooked.

I was talking about "mass shootings". Get it now? The number of casualties in "mass shootings" or much higher when someone is armed to stop the shooter.

Your lone individual, and example, out of the plethora of "mass shootings" that have been recurring in our nation, in gun free zones, is not even close to a "mass shooting".

Focus ... focus .... focus ... not hocus pocus .. capische?

so what's a mass shooting and what's not a mass shooting?
Do you have a source for this claim?

VPC - Unintended Consequences - Contents and

[ame=]Proof that Concealed Carry permit holders live in a dream world, Part Two - YouTube[/ame]

it's a fact. that's why SWAT trains regularly on daily basis. Armed citizens do not train regularly.

There's a difference between defending yourself from armed mugger in some dark quiet place and defending yourself from a crazed shooter in middle of populated public. If armed citizens spend most of their time at the range, shooting at some paper target..... then they are in for a rude awakening.

Try shooting with fear and adrenaline pumping high in a chaotic environment with dozens of people running around and not knowing who is shooting. If you want to know what's it like, go try participating in USPSA competition. I have done it several times (plus trained with West Point cadet and also Army Rangers veteran) and I would not even dare to think I can save the world from massacre because first of all - I don't train everyday.

My first priority is the run the hell outta there and leave it to REAL TRAINED PROFESSIONALS to handle it. Armed citizens with rambo/cop-wannabe attitude are just asking to get killed.
SC CCW Holder Holds Church Gunman At Gunpoint; Prevents Possible Mass Shooting | Guns Save Lives

A SC CCW holder held a man at gunpoint who kicked in the side door of a church during Sunday services. The man was wielding a shotgun. Fortunately the pastor’s grandson, who has a permit to carry in SC, drew his own gun and held the man at gunpoint while other congregation members disarmed and restrained the man until officers could arrive. The gunman has been charged with several felonies and said he did it because he was angry about having his children taken away from him.