
Okay. I can understand that, but I value the language just as much as any other language I've been practicing. I don't make a "mockery" of Japanese when I speak it or Chinese... or ASL. I just don't think it's wrong to practice a language on your own, because I don't have money for course and I'm not close to any where that offers them without paying. And even if I did purchase tapes, that wouldn't put me on a level to practice with people. Buying tapes is self learning, I'm just doing it without spending money...

Are you going out pretending you are Chinese or Japanese?

I couldn't help but notice your first post in this thread said, "I know it's probably wrong but...".

So you knew it was wrong to do, but you did it anyways and still created this thread. :hmm:
Wirelessly posted (Blackberry Bold )

Cylly1 said:
But the only reason I use Sign Language is because it's closest to English, so maybe they'll actually understand what I'm saying.

I'm not sure how you came to this assumotion, but ASL isn't related to / a form of English ... Its actually closer to French than English.

The only reason ASL is "connected" to English is because it's used in a English speaking country so it's most commonly glossed into English.

The only "English" part of ASL is fingerspelling ... Which is the equivilant of language borrowing (ie when one language adopts certain words from other language such as the English use of "naïve", "doppleganger", "ennui" etc).
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Actually....who cares? said that you knew what you were doing "was probably wrong" the beginning...and we told you how we felt about it./...still you're "defending" urself!

Now it seems as if you're trying to get someone to send you some $$ for classes/tapes/etc. ....You're an imposter...just a silly little school girl who poses so seductive in her avatar.

LOL! You beat me to it.
Again, it is not practicing if you're the only one who "knows" the language. You can do that kind of practicing at home in front of a mirror.
I sometimes practice my fingerspelling while I'm taking my walk. I don't go up to strangers in the park and start signing to them. How would that help me?

How do you get to define how someone practices? I sign the songs I listen to, I sign the conversations I'm apart of... practicing in front of the mirror is not the only way... and I don't go up to random strangers.

I really don't understand how it's different from using any other language. My Japanese teacher (as enthusiastic as she was) told me to start speaking to people in Japanese that way they ask and wonder about it in order to keep the language from being discontinued at our school... and I'm not even a native speaker... how is that different?
Actually....who cares? said that you knew what you were doing "was probably wrong" the beginning...and we told you how we felt about it./...still you're "defending" urself!

Now it seems as if you're trying to get someone to send you some $$ for classes/tapes/etc. ....You're an imposter...just a silly little school girl who poses so seductive in her avatar.

How can you go from what a person writes to what they look like... believe it or not that is me and it's just a pic. I can't help if you think it's "seductive" but thanks ^^
Are you going out pretending you are Chinese or Japanese?

I couldn't help but notice your first post in this thread said, "I know it's probably wrong but...".

So you knew it was wrong to do, but you did it anyways and still created this thread. :hmm:

How can I pretend to be Japanese or Chinese, short of speaking the language? I didn't think it was wrong at the time when I did it, but I thought it would be wrong they way you guys took it... I also added I didn't mean to offend anyone...
Okay. I can understand that, but I value the language just as much as any other language I've been practicing. I don't make a "mockery" of Japanese when I speak it or Chinese... or ASL. I just don't think it's wrong to practice a language on your own, because I don't have money for course and I'm not close to any where that offers them without paying. And even if I did purchase tapes, that wouldn't put me on a level to practice with people. Buying tapes is self learning, I'm just doing it without spending money...

Excuses, my dear. If want to learn the language, you need to immerse yourself in the Deaf community. You have to actually KNOW someone who is deaf. That is how I started to learn. I'm not fluent, but, I learned signs from people I knew. Key words: People I knew...

Real world experiences; and not online. That is how you learn.
Wirelessly posted (Blackberry Bold )

I'm not sure how you came to this assumotion, but ASL isn't related to / a form of English ... Its actually closer to French than English.

The only reason ASL is "connected" to English is because it's used in a English speaking country so it's most commonly glossed into English.

The only "English" part of ASL is fingerspelling ... Which is the equivilant of language borrowing (ie when one language adopts certain words from other language such as the English use of "naïve", "doppleganger", "ennui" etc).

Like I said people know more Sign Language than they think, because when I signed to the person they knew what I was talking about.. I just want to know how much.
How can I pretend to be Japanese or Chinese, short of speaking the language? I didn't think it was wrong at the time when I did it, but I thought it would be wrong they way you guys took it... I also added I didn't mean to offend anyone... did! (offend everybody) questions keep coming from you....bullshit!...
How can I pretend to be Japanese or Chinese, short of speaking the language? I didn't think it was wrong at the time when I did it, but I thought it would be wrong they way you guys took it... I also added I didn't mean to offend anyone...

How can you pretend to know sign when you don't?

Short of actually knowing sign language, it's just moving the hands around in a nonsensical way. Do you see how insulting that is to someone who is actually deaf?
How can you go from what a person writes to what they look like... believe it or not that is me and it's just a pic. I can't help if you think it's "seductive" but thanks ^^

Being "blunt" as most deafies are!....
I know it's probably wrong, but I found it interesting to do. Sometimes when I go out to public places like restaurants or just out with my friends I start using sign language to people I don't know just to see what happens. My friends go along with it and pretend I'm deaf as well. However, I realized they don't keep a lot of eye contact with me and they start to use their hands a lot more. Then it got me thinking if they realized they were doing it or not. Most of the people I tried this with are patient and watch my hands, or sometimes I just type it out on my phone. Afterwards, I ask them do they realized they started using their hands and trying to read the signs. Most of them were surprised when I spoke to them, but I think they found it interesting as well.... maybe I could subconsciously get people to sign with me ^^ I just thought it was interesting, sorry if I offended anyone.

Excuses, my dear. If want to learn the language, you need to immerse yourself in the Deaf community. You have to actually KNOW someone who is deaf. That is how I started to learn. I'm not fluent, but, I learned signs from people I knew. Key words: People I knew...

Real world experiences; and not online. That is how you learn.

Well, I'm not around a deaf community that I know of. Anything that was related to deaf events... i've tried. Online is easiest for me. So if you want to mail me someone I can practice ASL with then that'd be great.

I don't have money for classes so this is the best I've got. I recently had to turn down an acceptance to a school who teaches languages in a extensive program...because I didn't have 10,000 to go.

What you guys don't understand is my school puts me on a pay grade of 3.90/hr. No outside jobs and the term bills usually take about 60% of the paycheck...
Like I said people know more Sign Language than they think, because when I signed to the person they knew what I was talking about.. I just want to know how much.

I had a Asian woman sign to me in a way I could understand that she was looking for the women's room. I'm sure the sign she used is not a part of ASL or her countries sign language.

And didn't you say you were learning SEE, not ASL? If you're using SEE (which I've never seen), that may be why the people seem to know what you're "saying".
Wirelessly posted (Blackberry Bold )

Cylly1 said:
Wirelessly posted (Blackberry Bold )

I'm not sure how you came to this assumotion, but ASL isn't related to / a form of English ... Its actually closer to French than English.

The only reason ASL is "connected" to English is because it's used in a English speaking country so it's most commonly glossed into English.

The only "English" part of ASL is fingerspelling ... Which is the equivilant of language borrowing (ie when one language adopts certain words from other language such as the English use of "naïve", "doppleganger", "ennui" etc).

Like I said people know more Sign Language than they think, because when I signed to the person they knew what I was talking about.. I just want to know how much.

Give me an example.

People can understand gestures - ansd there are a small percentage of Signs which are descriptive/gesture based ... However the majority of signs are not (for hearing) intuative signs.
People (strangers) often fake that they understand what you think you are signing (however being that you're "teaching yourself" who even knows if your forming the signs correctly or not). Basically they smile, nod etc so they can get rid of you sooner.

Also people who are actually hoh/Deaf make sure that we are understod (pen paper etc) we sont stand there signing (without speaking) to hearing people ignorant of ASL ... It's pointless and actually encourages disrespect - ie it doesn't create a situation where both side are able to acutally communicate.

You should make some youtube videos of you signing - that way we could offer suggestions
And didn't you say you were learning SEE, not ASL? If you're using SEE (which I've never seen), that may be why the people seem to know what you're "saying".

Highly unlikely, unless voice is being used.
Well, I'm not around a deaf community that I know of. Anything that was related to deaf events... i've tried. Online is easiest for me. So if you want to mail me someone I can practice ASL with then that'd be great.

I don't have money for classes so this is the best I've got. I recently had to turn down an acceptance to a school who teaches languages in a extensive program...because I didn't have 10,000 to go.

What you guys don't understand is my school puts me on a pay grade of 3.90/hr. No outside jobs and the term bills usually take about 60% of the paycheck...

Have at it, Dearheart. But, you've dug yourself a grave. I can gaurantee you that you won't get respect from most people here.