What did you do today? Part II

I am sorry, whatdidyousay.

Botts, I am glad you are ok.

Today, we had spring like thunderstorms. It was so warm...weird!

I love thunderstorms -that is till lightning comes too close- and I would sit out on the porch and watch it thunder and rain though I must admit ti's strange to see like this in Jan.
Today is the first anniversary of Finlay's death so I tried to be as busy as possible so I would not get so sad. I did light a Jewish memorial candle for Finlay tonight. I can't believe it has been a whole year since my beloved dog dies.

I still miss my cat and she died 31 years ago.
Will work until 3 and then take my son to Frederick to visit his deaf friend. :)
My boys and I, along with my doggie, took my oldest sons cat back to him on the other side of town. Was a very long drive.....We had "cat-sitted" for one week. Am glad it's over....now our own kitten seems to be lonesome...My oldest son called before we left, saying to give him another 30 minutes, as he was not finished "cleaning up" his apartment....:giggle:...Actually, it wasn't too bad, but still needed a good cleaning....
Well - went grocery shopping 20 miles south of town (a lot cheaper and well worth the gas). Took MIL to hairdresser. Now, will start dinner soon (yes, it's early, but I have plans this evening). This evening my son & I are going to Deaf Coffee Chat at Panera Bread about 13 miles North of town.
Wirelessly posted (droid)

Have fun, Kristina! I'm heading to the super-super market now. No social tonight, so I'll enjoy a quiet evening with my family.
Had a slightly busy day. After a late, late breakfast, went to get gas, groceries and cash. Home to fix lunch, shower and get ready to go to an ASL movie night. Went to the movie, laughed my behind off and am now home again.

Kristina, did your behind ever get put back on?
I walked to Burger King and back with my daughter.

Thin glazing of ice from refreeze of the earlier melt is absolutely terrifying when you can not see!

I was holding my daughter's arm most of the way.

I think you're brave to walk on ice when you can not see. I hate to walk on ice and try to avoid it much as possible. I am glad you did not fall.
I was out walking with Marty today and a woman and man walked pass us , the woman stopped to talk to Marty and asked how he was doing , Marty would not let the woman pat him, he came over to me and jumped up on my legs as if to let the woman know he belongs to me! I felt so good! The woman said to Marty
"you like your mother. " she got his message.
I still miss my cat and she died 31 years ago.

When I was out with Finlay people came up to me all the time to me to tell me about their childhood pet and how much they missed them. Our pets are apart of your famliy and I read losing a pet is like losing a famliy member and sometime harder as they're only in our life for a short time. I wish now that had written down some of the stories people told about their pets. I wear one of Finlay dog tag with my Star of David that my mother gave me years ago. When I saw the ENT the assistant saw Finlay tag around my neck and he told me he lost his dog and went to get his dog tag that he has on his key chain and showed it to me. I know how you feel about your beloved cat, I will miss Finlay
until I take my last breath.
It's sad to have to let go of a pet....I miss my "Buffy", a shistzu so much. She died of breast cancer at age 14....Have big pictures of her on my bedroom wall and also one of her on my refrigerator. She was a beautiful dog, all white and so loving and protective of me. She was a stray when I found her (or she actually "found me")....and I had 5 other dogs at the time....she fought for my affection, and won the spot on my bed beside my pillow every night....But now I have a Pomeranian named Anita, she will be 5 years old this July. Life goes on, but our memories never do.
I still miss my cat and she died 31 years ago.

I'm sorry.

I once had 2 dogs and 2 cats, and 3 of 4 died in less than one year. It was a rough year. I still miss them terribly, just as if they left me yesterday.
Just back from a long walk with lots of stops. I walked to the mall with my older daughter, and sat in Starbucks for a while. Then my younger daughter joined us while her husband watched the children, and we went for ice cream.

Then she brought me home in her car , and took my older daughter with her to go make shrinkie dinks, ( a children's craft ).

And now I am back and sitting here, exhausted.

Forgot that also had some Chinese food in the mall also.
We had Chinese food for lunch too. All-you-can-eat. I gave up after 2 big plates. :)