What Is the Big Deal With Gay Marriage?

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One person, one vote, she can only change the course of the vote as much as someone else who votes pro-gay rights... voting for any reason is a right of non felons over 18 in the USA.

A person can choose to Christmas-tree the ballot, or only vote for every other race... or vote 'c' on everything... there are less reasonable reasons to vote a particular way...
That is the way you interpret it, and that is perfectly within your right. Where you cross the line is when you attempt to apply that to ALL and to determine who is right and who is wrong, who is moral and who is amoral, who deserves legal rights and who doesn't deserve legal rights based on a choice you have made for yourself.

I believe I know of one candidate for President who is against the separation of Church and State. He seems to have forgotten why colonists left the Old World to come to the New World and why the the First amendment was written in the first place.
And no one is being judged. A behavior is being judged. And we DO have a right to decide what behaviors we will allow. In fact we do it all the time.

So you are comparing homosexual behavior to say, murder? How do you propose we sanction homosexual behavior if it is the behavior that one objects to? You are making quite a leap there.
I believe I know of one candidate for President who is against the separation of Church and State. He seems to have forgotten why colonists left the Old World to come to the New World and why the the First amendment was written in the first place.

Seems like quite a few people have.
Again with the stawman arguments. Just because a city is dry doesn't mean you can't go somewhere else, buy your booze, and bring it back to drink it there.:roll:

Seriously, you need to try to stick to the topic. You have used everything EXCEPT a legal objection to gay marriage or a way in which it will negatively impact you or your life in an attempt to support your bigotry. That is very typical of those who don't have a argument that is logical and understandable, but simply built on an emotional reaction.

Yes you can and you can also be arrested for breaking the law and bringing the booze into the area. How do I know this? It is on the book.
I and everyone else can NOT have a legal objection to a law that is NOT on the book.
Everyone can only object to those on the book. This is where you get confused. Post a link where all of us can read a law we might have objections and then stand back. There is a law called ADA and I've read every but of it. And yes, I've plenty of objections about it (i.e. see AD post......Does complaining about c.c. make a difference?) There is a law called the Civil Rights Act of 1964. I've read every bit of it. And yes again, I've objections about it (i.e. Affirmative Action). If YOU have an objection to the marriage law that is now on the book, state YOUR objection, that is your right. DON'T ask me to state an legal objection to a non-existing law because not one person can. That non-existing law is YOUR strawman.
So you are comparing homosexual behavior to say, murder? How do you propose we sanction homosexual behavior if it is the behavior that one objects to? You are making quite a leap there.

Or any other behavior we "sanction". But in this case it would be refusing to endorse a behavior.
What inacurracies? These are your own expressed opinions I am simply repeating.
Your assumptions and interpretations of what I post are inaccurate. If you truly believe that my words can stand alone, why do you feel it necessary to add the editorial comments?

Regarding your tendency to preach at me and others, I guess you didn't get the memo.
In that case, I guess you didn't either. Secular preaching is still preaching.

Your religious beliefs are yours and they are best used to justify whatever it is in your life that you feel needs a rule book for.
Snarkiness and condescension is so unbecoming.

It has no place being involved in making those decisions for others.
I'm making no decisions for others. Each person decides how to vote and how to live. People are free to incorporate religious beliefs or non-religious beliefs in their decision making.

I don't tell you how to make your decisions, or what to use in the decision-making process.

No matter how much space you devote to quoting your interpretation of your Bible, it does not increase it's validity in this discussion.
I like the Scriptures to be quoted accurately and completely without paraphrasing and editing.

All it does is confirm exactly what is being said, and that you seem to think is an inaccurate portrayal of your opinion.
Why does my opinion need confirmation? People can read my posts for themselves.

You are the one that keeps confirming the fact that you use religion as an excuse to marginalize and judge others.
Again, that's your personal opinion. I don't "use religion as an excuse."

If you don't want others to see that side of you, then I would suggest you cease to bring religion into every discussion.
Guess what? I really don't care what you "suggest." I'm not one of your clients.

Religious discussion is a two-way street. I guess you would like it if I just sit by quietly while others can say whatever they want about God, Jesus, and the Bible.
<quote>"People are free to incorporate religious beliefs or non-religious beliefs in their decision making." <endquote> .........

.......for THEMSELVES only.......
<quote>"People are free to incorporate religious beliefs or non-religious beliefs in their decision making." <endquote> .........

.......for THEMSELVES only.......

Decision making includes voting.....of course
Yes you can and you can also be arrested for breaking the law and bringing the booze into the area. How do I know this? It is on the book.
I and everyone else can NOT have a legal objection to a law that is NOT on the book.
Everyone can only object to those on the book. This is where you get confused. Post a link where all of us can read a law we might have objections and then stand back. There is a law called ADA and I've read every but of it. And yes, I've plenty of objections about it (i.e. see AD post......Does complaining about c.c. make a difference?) There is a law called the Civil Rights Act of 1964. I've read every bit of it. And yes again, I've objections about it (i.e. Affirmative Action). If YOU have an objection to the marriage law that is now on the book, state YOUR objection, that is your right. DON'T ask me to state an legal objection to a non-existing law because not one person can. That non-existing law is YOUR strawman.

I have lived in dry cities and counties. There are a lot of laws on the books that are never enforced. You might want to do a Google search regarding some of the silly laws that are still on the books that never get enforced.

But again...you are using strawman arguments. We are not discussing alcohol or the laws pertaining to such. We are talking about homosexual marriage.

I'm well aware that you can't come up with a legal support for your objection. That is the whole point. Your objection is emotional and based on prejudice, discrimination, and personal belief systems. That is exactly why your arguments are moot.

It doesn't surprise me in the least that you have objections to the Civil Rights Act. It simply confirms what I have believed all along.
I believe I know of one candidate for President who is against the separation of Church and State. He seems to have forgotten why colonists left the Old World to come to the New World and why the the First amendment was written in the first place.
Which candidate?

The First Amendment was written in order to keep government out of religion, and to prohibit a tax-supported state church such as they had experienced in England.
Or any other behavior we "sanction". But in this case it would be refusing to endorse a behavior.

Rather a paternalistic and ethnocentric belief, isn't it? "Just because I say it is wrong, it is wrong, period! I don't care if I don't even know you, I still have the right to determine your behavior and your lifestyle just because I don't like it."
Your assumptions and interpretations of what I post are inaccurate. If you truly believe that my words can stand alone, why do you feel it necessary to add the editorial comments?

In that case, I guess you didn't either. Secular preaching is still preaching.

Snarkiness and condescension is so unbecoming.

I'm making no decisions for others. Each person decides how to vote and how to live. People are free to incorporate religious beliefs or non-religious beliefs in their decision making.

I don't tell you how to make your decisions, or what to use in the decision-making process.

I like the Scriptures to be quoted accurately and completely without paraphrasing and editing.

Why does my opinion need confirmation? People can read my posts for themselves.

Again, that's your personal opinion. I don't "use religion as an excuse."

Guess what? I really don't care what you "suggest." I'm not one of your clients.

Religious discussion is a two-way street. I guess you would like it if I just sit by quietly while others can say whatever they want about God, Jesus, and the Bible.

Fine. Keep bringing religion into it as your sole reason for opposition. And I will keep seeing as I see it, and others will as well. Just accept responsibility for the fact that people are seeing what you are choosing to portray.
Fine. Keep bringing religion into it as your sole reason for opposition. And I will keep seeing as I see it, and others will as well. Just accept responsibility for the fact that people are seeing what you are choosing to portray.
I'm not posting here for ego satisfaction or to impress anyone. :)
I'm not posting here for ego satisfaction or to impress anyone. :)

Who said you were? You are obviously posting, at least in this thread, to preach your religious convictions. And then getting upset when it is recognized that is what you are doing.
Rather a paternalistic and ethnocentric belief, isn't it? "Just because I say it is wrong, it is wrong, period! I don't care if I don't even know you, I still have the right to determine your behavior and your lifestyle just because I don't like it."

Nope, again we each are entitled to vote for the type of country we want to live in. If people don't want their country to endorse something they find immoral they have every right to vote that way no matter what their opinion is based on.

That is really all that needs to be said. Welcome to America :wave: see you at the polls.
Nope, again we each are entitled to vote for the type of country we want to live in. If people don't want their country to endorse something they find immoral they have every right to vote that way no matter what their opinion is based on.

That is really all that needs to be said. Welcome to America :wave: see you at the polls.

Yep. Like I said. Completely paternalistic and ethnocentric and morally imperialistic. What a shame that there are still people who consider such negative practices to be acceptable. As long as they are the ones engaging in it.
Some Christians may see it as sin spreading around them and don't like it. Some people do something about that or some choose to adapt to it. Some intend to challenge things or fix humanity for the greater good (Christ).

It's like saying that you're living in a regular neighborhood, and then someone who doesn't share the same ideas as you moves in the neighborhood. It may be that you might not be concerned, but for example if you can picture someone could be an ex-convict who believes in killing people in wars for a reason or believe in pro-birth or pro-abortion, or pro PETA or someone who was into animal beastality moving in the neighborhood.

I'm not saying these are the same as gays or homosexuals, just saying they just share an idea that you might not find welcoming. What would ya do about it?

It's a tough question, and I don't think everyone would answer it in the same way... :hmm:
Just giving you insight to why some Christians may feel differently than others who don't see why.

What do mean by a regular neighborhood?? .
If I wanted to marry a woman (I am a woman), I sure as hell wouldnt want some of you dictating my rights to whoever I want to marry. If I marry a woman, who am I hurting? Who?
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