What did you do today?

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Seriously? Big congratulations to you both! May you have a long and happy life together. And celebrate all anniversaries with dancing!! :lol:

And, uh - if you're a newlywed, what the heck are you doing hanging out on-line???? :shock:
Did zumba class in the morning, after, went back to the studio for babyshower for my teacher who will have her 5th baby boy in Aug. It was so fun! We even did zumba to one song so cool , good time!
Seriously? Big congratulations to you both! May you have a long and happy life together. And celebrate all anniversaries with dancing!! :lol:

And, uh - if you're a newlywed, what the heck are you doing hanging out on-line???? :shock:


Yeah I know ..... I had to sneak this announcement in tonight. I had so many butterflies in my tummy that had butterflies in their tummies that had goosebumps ....

Yes, I really did get married in a traditional Christian wedding, my father is a reverend and performed the ceremony. All the bridesmaids and one of my groomsmen were deaf. My wife is deaf.

Love is reason to celebrate ...

What is really cool ... is now the girls in my family are going to learn sign because their new sister/daughter is deaf and it will help out my neice whom is severely hearing impaired ... lots of good news.
MIL has some crappy forced air wall mount in the dining room. Her living room/dining room is like one great room. IT's set to 76, but not working well at all. She does not have central A/C and at this point, it cannot be installed without re-wiring the house.

what about window A/C for your bedroom?
Went to work, then came home, then went to eat out with the family only to get criticized by my dad in front of one of my mom's old friends. He took a hard glare at me and said 'I'm still trying to get this one raised!' Ugh. What the crap?!?! I have a headache and I feel all out of sorts. Am I being too sensitive over this?

I don't get it. "... get this one raised!"??? get what raised?
I don't get it. "... get this one raised!"??? get what raised?

Moving out and getting on her own 2 feet, (she's still living at home)...so he feels Dixie is still a "child" that he has to raise (take care of)....it's really an old-timey, old-fashioned saying....
Congrats Steinhauer!
Maybe you have a long happy and blessed married life. :)

Enjoy parenthood when it comes. :)
Moving out and getting on her own 2 feet, (she's still living at home)...so he feels Dixie is still a "child" that he has to raise (take care of)....it's really an old-timey, old-fashioned saying....

ah.... :ty:
Congratulations Steinhauer! All the best for the years to come. :smile:
I reached my 1,500th post today and counting....yay!!!
i came runner-up at the Deaf club Pools championship, hard and it was great fun.
Congrats Steinhauer!
I just returned to running yesterday b ecause I gained 10 lbs over the summer. Age is killing me here! Cant take a break! :mad:


We gain weight mid-age AND during/after menopause about 10 lbs each).

I'm warning you now because no one warned me. :(

I was thin (even after kids...excpet for "the pouch") until my 40's and then put on an additional 10 lbs after menopause. I know I'm not fat, but I wouldn't mind losing about 10 of those pounds...but am too lazy to take up regular exercise (I'm not a big eater, so I'd need to exercise it off).

We gain weight mid-age AND during/after menopause about 10 lbs each).

I'm warning you now because no one warned me. :(

I was thin (even after kids...excpet for "the pouch") until my 40's and then put on an additional 10 lbs after menopause. I know I'm not fat, but I wouldn't mind losing about 10 of those pounds...but am too lazy to take up regular exercise (I'm not a big eater, so I'd need to exercise it off).

People have warned me. I did lose 30 lbs last summer and I thought I would lose the other 30 by this summer. Didnt work out due to so much going on but that would have been fine if it wasnt for the 10 lbs I gained. That is not acceptable! lol
damn aging. it is getting harder and harder to keep control the weight over age 40. GOD! I still work out but it is really harder and harder and harder. pfffttt
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