WOMEN VS MEN (negivate thingy) *no war*


New Member
Sep 25, 2003
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This is Discussion debate meaning really how much you felt about women or men wha..ever Stand for "VS"
Just for fun debate..
Let's start...

I do negivate about men....
Always kept nodding women's feel emotions.. (totally hyporite?)
Men loves sport talk talk talk.. left out women.. (Made me bored fall sleep)
Men doesn't know how clean the toilet (Ohhhhhhhhhh yeah) Anyone vote?

Women loves gossip and backstabin.. they dont know how to have fun. :doh: :rofl:
LUNZ said:
Women loves gossip and backstabin.. they dont know how to have fun. :doh: :rofl:
Lunz, r u know what... same thing included men did invovled gossip about women's stuff.. *ADMIT IT* ?
ohhh Is that Right Lunz???? :crazy:

Well , Men are MaleWhores don't know when to keep their Snake in their Pants. :nono: Heh!
Bullym0m said:
Lunz, r u know what... same thing included men did invovled gossip about women's stuff.. *ADMIT IT* ?

Men do GOOD gossip, NOt negative. :nono:
Cheri said:
ohhh Is that Right Lunz???? :crazy:

Well , Men are MaleWhores don't know when to keep their Snake in their Pants. :nono: Heh!

cuz snake is out of control by too many goddess around on the earth. :bowdown:
Bullym0m said:
Men doesn't know how clean the toilet (Ohhhhhhhhhh yeah) Anyone vote?
heh.. is that true?

I know how to clean the toliet :P

Woman always complaining about lousy cooking
How can we compare with women and men. I was never been a man before. I was born women. :roll:

You know the book Venus vs Mars that were answered already. :D

Men is OVERLY SENSITIVE than WOMEN. THats my opinion. ;)
Men are braver...

Men are:

Braver because we have the balls to do things

Stronger because we carry the weight of the world on our shoulders

And smarter because we need to be the providers for the family, as it should be anyways...I don't want my wife to have to work.
when men become real sick. They are soooo whining, baby, can't move or clean up, and wimpy.
When women become real sick. They are tired, complains but tough and keep moving to clean up or whatever.
Women buy way too many shoes, purses, and jewelries.
  • women can handle stress better than men
  • women are able to prioritize better than men
  • women knows how to appreciate women :P
  • women knows how to multi-task better than men
  • women are overall much more loving than men
  • (coming from a lesbian) women knows how to satisfy women in bed :P
  • women doesnt put the toilet seat up!!! its always left down *thank god* :lol:

thats all i can list for now -- if i come up with anything else i will be sure to post it LOL
Wife tend to find excuse when husband bust her gossip. Husband softie to wife because what the marriage all about love no matter what a tiny but greater love is more than the tiny what worth to count.

Husband tend to talk about sport, whining when he is real sick??? I don't whining. I bawl, "WHY DIDN'T YOU CLEAN THIS IF I ALREADY CLEAN THIS. LOOK AT THAT MESS!" that how I talk when I am sick. I mean be jerk because it suppose virus works. :nana:

I work, cook, clean, and comfortable my woman. She is not good cook because she afriad to burn the food. :thumb:

So I think men and women are 50 percent but only one big negative if there no communicate then why talk over here. :dunno:

Myself, man, don't like talk about sport :Oops:
Fly Free said:
  • women can handle stress better than men
  • women are able to prioritize better than men
  • women knows how to multi-task better than men
  • women doesnt put the toilet seat up!!! its always left down *thank god* :lol:
Women can handle stress better even you on your period?
Women doesn't put the toilet seat up?? I met some woman are that up :crazy:
mult-task better than men? Not always... I have met women and it not prepare herself. UMMMM UMM